Convert insurance prospects to policies in 3 minutes or less

Insurance is a tough business. With federal and state regulations, it can be challenging to put the marketing you really want into action. The ease of the Internet has allowed customers to purchase rates in minutes. Why can’t these people understand that insurance is so much more than the best price?

Don’t they understand that they get what they pay for? Don’t you understand that saving $ 20 a year could cost you $ 1,000 when it comes time to make a claim? With national insurers pouring millions of dollars a week into commercials, it can seem like a challenge to convert leads because they only seem concerned about price!

Rather than competing on price or spending your money building your “brand,” I invite you to consider a different method. Don’t let your prospects control the call any more. Every potential customer who calls or emails you is valuable, when you have the right approach.

There are no good or bad leads, there are only leads. With the right scripts for your insurance prospects, you’ll have them eager to sign up for home, auto, and even life insurance policies. Transforming these prospects into policies does not imply a hard sell; it simply requires asking the right questions.

  1. Stop declaration – It is natural for a potential customer to ask for the price. Price is the main item that people use to compare insurance companies. When they call to ask what is the cost of type of insurance “X”, I invite you to stop them. Take control of the call by preventing them from asking questions. Although there are dozens of stop statements, you could use something as simple as “let me look up the price of X. While I’m looking for that …”. The sooner you stop them from asking the questions, the faster you will get the policy. dirty.
  2. First question – Instead of using a tired insurance sales script that talks about protection or safety, ask a probing question. Ask a question that reveals your level of expertise. Don’t try to rate the prospect, just ask a simple question that uncovers their need for insurance. It could be a simple question that sparks interest like “New to buying insurance?” Keep it simple and stay in control.
  3. Value question – Most insurance agents get stuck and go into tone mode after asking their first question. Instead of telling prospects about your different coverage levels, consider asking them a question that would scare other agents. Ask them a question that piques their interest and makes them irresistible to take the next step. It could be something as simple as “do you know there is a $ 15 item that can save you money on your home insurance?” (That is, braided lines on washing machines result in a discount for many insurers.)

Converting insurance prospects into policies will be quick when you use hold statements, ask a powerful first question, and ask a compelling interest question. By following these three easy steps, you can sell more policies with every phone call.

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