Cure the curse of dandruff

What is dandruff?

Dandruff itself, the little white flakes on the skin, is more of a symptom than an actual disease. When people use the term “dandruff,” they tend to refer to these white flakes that build up around parts of the hair; however, these are not a medical condition in and of themselves. In the vast majority of cases, dandruff is caused by a dry, flaky scalp. When you scratch your scalp, either deliberately or simply through regular brushing or nuisance, small sections of the skin break off and create the white “snow” effect.

What are the causes of the condition?

Anyone who is prone to dry or sensitive skin in general can suffer from dandruff at some point in their life. Other causes include hormonal changes, dietary disturbances, or even lifestyle issues like stress and worry. Dandruff is more of a nuisance than a serious medical condition, and in some cases, it can show up for no reason.


Dandruff is not the result of unwashed hair, dirty hair, or poor hygiene practices. It all has to do with the scales of skin that the scalp sheds; something that will happen regardless of how often you wash your hair.

It is also worth mentioning that the process of shedding the skin on the scalp is completely natural. It happens that in the case of those who suffer from dandruff, they lose more skin than the average person, hence the appearance of white particles around the hairline.

Are there any symptoms of the condition beyond the white scales?

Most patients will experience difficulty with their scalp, usually because they are itchy on a regular basis. The scalp may also feel uncomfortably tight and the hair may become painful when brushing. White blood cells tend to show up late in the condition, so as soon as your scalp starts to feel uncomfortable, it may be worth taking preventative action.

Is there a cure for dandruff?

Not totally; As mentioned above, the shedding of the skin from the scalp is a normal process that the body must go through. However, most patients find that by curing any scalp-related problem, they can reduce dandruff to a manageable level. This usually means eradicating any visible signs of the condition.

What treatments can I try?

Vitamins A and B have a long documented history of helping soothe scalp problems and might be worth a try. Apart from that, the market is filled with thousands of anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners. As with any styling product, finding the one that suits you best can be a process of elimination.

These shampoos can often make hair feel heavy and greasy, so you may need to wash your hair more often if you use them regularly.

Is there any medical treatment available?

Yes; Most doctors will be willing to prescribe specialized shampoos, which contain certain chemicals and nutrients to help alleviate scalp problems. These are only available by prescription. The rest of the time, using an anti-dandruff shampoo will help keep the problem at bay.

Are there natural remedies for dandruff control?

Both warm coconut oil (gently massaged into the scalp, then rinsed clear) and lemon in cider can help alleviate the problem. However, if you have a moderate to severe case, you may need the stronger medicinal options as mentioned above.

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