Current but nervous? Do the training!

Attention all small business owners: Stop waiting for the imminent destruction that is on the way!


I talk to many people who say they are current, but nervous. “Nervous” because they see that their cash reserves are evaporating, revenues are down, and while they’ve worked hard to cut overhead and downsize to regain profitability, their debt remains the same and is now crippling them. Debt sucks up far more cash than the business can afford, so they’re nervous, knowing they’re headed for self-destruction unless they do something about their debt.

Usually, though, they want to wait…wait for the economy to return their lost revenue, wait for the inevitable but hope and pray for some force to intervene to change their business. They they should be nervous as they are simply waiting for the end: the end of their business life and then the search for their personal guarantees by the bank. Self-destruction, in a word.

Yes, our strategies are called “hardball”. We employ serious, sophisticated and complex strategies that eliminate debt from your business and reduce your personal guarantee obligations to pennies on the dollar in most cases.

Everyone must understand that we are not sailing through a pothole. The declining economy, high unemployment, low incomes, high overhead costs, and a lack of borrowing potential mean a changing economy. What we have today is what we will have for a long, long time, it may be even worse.

So yes, call, find out what we can do, and then take action. Understand that your nervousness is a clear warning to yourself that you are in trouble and must do something about it or suffer the consequences. Calling and asking is a great first step, but failure to act will be fatal in this down economy.

It is a new world. This is not just a typical cycle that we can expect. This is a long-term change that requires a serious response. Without it, your long-term survival is in doubt. Loan modifications will not work; debt forgiveness is the only way to survive.

Call, learn more, then take action. It is your only option.

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