Double your marketing impact and make a quick buck by damaging your products on purpose

Want to know about a weird and weird (but highly effective) way to add another 5, 10, 15% or more to the response of your marketing promotions?

So listen to this:

One of the best “marketing” stories I heard was about the furniture dealer who had a “scratches and dents” sale where he was selling furniture that had been water damaged at a deep discount.

Turns out he made so much money from this sale that he ended up cutting holes in the warehouse so the inventory would get wet so he could ethically give it away at a deep discount!

And really, if you’re selling a physical product, there’s no reason you can’t do the same.

I do it all the time.

And sometimes I make more money from these damaged product sales than from my regular promotions.

But be careful here.

You don’t want to lie or do anything unethical. And what makes this work is that a damaged product is a credible excuse for a sale.

So keep things within the bounds of reality and good taste. Do not try to sell new things with these discounts or anything like that.

In fact, you shouldn’t overdo it at all unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

I like to do these sales only once in a while, when people are not expecting it.

And don’t worry, you don’t necessarily have to drill holes in your warehouse or set fire to your garage to do this either.

But if the printer ruins your CD labels or you have a lot of returned inventory that has been opened, then it’s perfect for this type of sale.

Bottom line:

Having a scratch and dent sale is easily one of the fastest and easiest ways to get the most money out of your business. And it’s perfect to do once or twice a year after a big mailing to your list.

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