Factors to Consider in Meal Planning

Meal planning is a technique that every household should use. It is a very complete plan of what to eat and the products or ingredients needed to cook. It is an organized system of identification of recipes and for a certain period of time. A skill is required to identify the needs of a person from their entire family and taking into account various factors that would affect the planning activity.

Factors would include: health needs, economic factors, religious practices, dietary concerns, environmental factors, and time and ability to cook.

Health needs.

It is necessary to include all food groups to ensure optimal nutrition. It is very important that we include in our meals the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body requires.

Economic factors.

We have to consider our budget and the prices of the ingredients. The budget is above all the main factor because you cannot cook what you cannot afford.

religious practices.

Some religion or faith has restrictions on what they are allowed to eat. Muslims are not allowed to eat pork and Jews are required to observe Kashrut practices. Hindus do not eat beef due to the view that cows are sacred.

dietary concerns.

Certain diseases like diabetes and hypertension restrict or limit an individual’s food intake. They are not allowed to eat fatty and even sweet foods. Another consideration would be allergies that would produce unwanted reactions when trigger foods are consumed.

Environmental factors.

This would include kitchen materials and equipment that would allow you to cook certain foods.


If you have enough time to prepare the meal, you can go ahead and cook fancy dishes, however, when you’re short on time, you can opt for easy-to-make recipes instead of relying on fast food or instant products.

Cooking skill.

The most modifiable factor. They say you can’t cook if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, you can research videos or follow cookbooks to help you make the dish you want.

When you have considered all the factors, of course, you will ensure that your cuisine is varied while also recognizing your family’s preference. Play with texture and color, as well as temperature. Add fun to the activity by turning it into a recreational pastime that involves family members.

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