How to lose weight after pregnancy

To lose weight after pregnancy, you need to take on a much more active routine than the daily routine you got used to during your pregnancy. Not that I blame you, of course. It’s hard to stay active during months 7 to 9 of pregnancy, but now is the time to put that period behind you and start taking care of your fitness, health and appearance.

The basic principle for losing weight after pregnancy is to become more active. This can be done in small and large steps.

Small steps to get active

1. Take a walk at night 3 or 4 times a week for at least half an hour. This really burns a lot of calories so you will benefit a lot from it.

2. Take some stairs – Taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator whenever you can is a great way to burn some calories and tone your legs and glutes. There is no need to go downstairs as it hardly burns calories and can also strain your knees a bit.

3. Eat out instead of ordering at home – Even the short walk to a restaurant will do you good and help you lose some baby weight.

big steps

1. Join a gym: Now that you’ve given birth, there’s nothing stopping you from getting back in shape. One of the best things you can do is join a gym. Make sure you do both weight training and cardio.

2. Do aerobics: Aerobics classes are a great way to lose weight after pregnancy because they burn a lot of calories. Just make sure these classes include some strength training to tone your muscles.

3. Play a sport: If you’re going to exercise, you might as well turn it into a game. Choose a sport that makes you sweat, as this also means you are burning calories. The specific sport does not matter. As long as you exercise, that’s fine with me.

Get more active and you will lose your postpartum weight in a short period of time.

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