How to make fresh homemade kefir

Kefir is a type of fermented milk that is similar in consistency to grocery store yogurt drinks. I often refer to it as a delicious drinkable yogurt drink. They have a lot of healthy flora and probiotics that have numerous health benefits.

Kefir is great in smoothies, poured over cereal, or used instead of cream for desserts, coffee, and tea.

Kefir “grains” are live active cultures consisting of yeast and bacteria and are called grains primarily because of their appearance. Kefir grains can be purchased online or at some health food stores.

So here is a delicious recipe that you can make at home.


1 tablespoon of kefir grains

1 liter of whole or 2% milk


1. Add the kefir grains and milk in a glass jar and fill it to the top.

2. Cover with a clean cloth and rubber band, then set aside in your closet or on your kitchen counter.

3. Wait 1-2 days; stirring periodically with a plastic spoon (this is important because metal damages crops).

4. When thick, strain the kefir grains through a plastic strainer (do your best to keep the grains intact), pour back into a clean jar and place in the fridge or repeat the process again. You can use these same grains because they will still be active.

how to make coconut kefir

Coconut kefir is also a very tasty alternative. Unlike kefir made from cow’s milk, coconut milk kefir does not have a strong sour or fermented taste. It’s nice and spicy with the naturally sweet flavor of coconuts.

The texture is rich and smooth and it also has a slightly thinner consistency than yogurt. In my opinion, both the taste and texture of fresh homemade kefir is much better than any store-bought coconut milk kefir.

Use the same recipe as described above, but change the ingredients so that instead of using a quart of milk, you use two cans of coconut milk.

Also, be sure to rehydrate your kefir grains in milk for 5-7 days at room temperature before making coconut kefir.

If your kefir grains are dehydrated, as they are with most online sources, you need to make sure to rehydrate them in cow’s milk first.

Combine the beans with 1 cup of cow’s milk and leave at room temperature in a glass container loosely covered for 5 to 7 days. Then strain the beans every day and place them in a cup of fresh milk.

When the batches of milk take on and smell slightly fermented and thick, your beans are done.

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