How to overcome registry corruption and recover inaccessible data in Windows 7

The Windows 7 registry is a repository that stores configuration information for all the hardware and software installed on your system. Windows uses the registry file when creating or deleting user profiles, installing new software applications, checking installed driver settings, and so on. The system registry is divided into hives, which are predefined sections that contain registry keys for specific purposes. Sometimes users tend to delete a file or delete a program in the Windows registry that was associated with another program. Generally, such a scenario leads to an error message saying that the registry is corrupted. The other reasons that can cause registry corruption are virus attacks, hardware issues, driver errors, etc. This might make your system unbootable and you may face critical data loss situation. In such situations, you should opt for file recovery through a reliable third party utility.

Suppose you start your Windows 7 computer and it crashes in the middle of the boot process. When you restart your PC again and press F8 to start the system repair tool, it gives you the following error message:

“The registry is corrupted

error code = 0X3e7″

The above error message clearly indicates that your Windows 7 registry file is corrupted. Some appropriate measures should be taken immediately to avoid serious consequences of the above error message.


The following reasons may be responsible for the above error:

Problem with a hardware device

driver errors

Software application conflicts

Viruses or any malicious software attack

This would make your system unbootable. As a result, you may not be able to access the valuable data stored on your system. To avoid such a situation, you should always keep an up-to-date backup on a storage medium other than your system hard drive. If your backup is not up to date, you should use competent Windows file recovery software to recover your lost or inaccessible files.


These steps may help resolve the above issue.

Try to edit the system registry manually. If you are an advanced user, only then can you modify the registry.

Install Windows 7 again on your problem system.

Reinstalling the operating system will remove all the necessary files and folders from your system. To recover deleted files under such circumstances, you need to seek the help of efficient third party recovery software.

This software ensures accurate and reliable recovery of lost, inaccessible or deleted files in any data loss situation. They possess several important features that make the deleted file recovery process simple and less time consuming. They also include several add-on utilities that allow you to create a backup or clone of your system’s hard drive.

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is a comprehensive solution for all data loss related issues on Windows operating system. You can recover lost files, documents, emails, images, videos, etc. from corrupted FAT, NTFS, or exFAT file systems. It is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000 and NT4 (SP6).

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