Keeping it light when eating out

The diet is tough. Dieting is especially difficult when eating out. It’s much harder to control portions and calories when you’re not in control of margarine and cooking oil. It’s difficult, but not impossible, to keep those New Year’s resolutions and still not have to do the dishes. Here are some things you can do to keep your weight in check when eating out.

When you first arrive at the restaurant, drink some iced or sparkling mineral water. A friend of mine used to drink at least 8 ounces of lemon water before every meal. Water makes you feel full and will prevent you from enjoying that super hunger binge. You can also calm your appetite with tomato juice or V8. Another tip before dinner, if you don’t want to ruin that twenty minute jog you did earlier on the treadmill, do yourself a favor and don’t load up on bread before your meal, as this probably won’t replace one. of your courses, but it will replace a lot of calories.

Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter about the menu. Most restaurants should have information on how the dishes were cooked (for example, grilled or fried) and if they contain a lot of cream, butter, or cheese. Order a salad or soup with your main entree to fill it up and consider sharing a main entree. Avoid heavy, creamy or fried entrees at all costs. Ask the waiter to grill fish or meat without butter or sauce, or have the sauce served on the side so you can taste without drowning your food in it. Also, remember to eat slowly and talk, talk, talk. The more you talk, the less you will eat. Dietitians will tell you that it is important to try to listen to the satiety point of your stomach. When your body tells you stop, stop. The old idea of ​​eating everything on your plate is just that, old man. Chefs can often be generous with portion sizes. You don’t have to eat everything they serve you. Only eat enough to feel satisfied and comfortable. If you’re concerned about getting what you paid for, order the leftovers in a doggy bag to take home.

We all love dessert, but it is definitely a diet killer. However, if necessary, opt for a fruit-based dessert and share it with a friend. This way, you can still taste the sweet life without overdoing it. I know the chocolate ice cream brownie is what you really wanted, but an extra hour of exercise on the elliptical is probably not what you wanted to top off your night. Don’t forget, if you order after dinner coffee, make it black, or order skim milk and use artificial sweetener. Stay away from Mocha’s and Latte’s.

Another receptor of calories is alcohol. It’s easy to binge when you’re having a good time. It’s okay to enjoy some wine or beer, but drink it slowly and keep up. Drink plenty of water and ask for club soda or diet soda to drink between drinks.

Remember, it is not comfort food! Sit back and enjoy the fact that you are in a dish-free zone tonight, but keep in mind that chefs love to add fat to every dish in the form of butter, cream, sour cream, coconut milk, olive oil. or meat juices. It’s what makes everything taste so good! If it tastes rich and greasy, it probably is! Take the time to check it out before serving.

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