Learn Artist Techniques: How To Effectively Jump Through Hoops

One of the most effective picking techniques for attracting women is hoops. This is a concept originally developed by Mystery. According to him, the idea of ​​hoop theory goes something like this: women throw hoops, and when they do, you have a couple of options.

For example, you might say “buy me a drink.” Actually, this is a qualifier. She is trying to get you to rate yourself by seeing if you are going to buy her a drink to hang out with. She is putting a frame on you. She says you have to pay money to talk to her, and this puts a higher value for her and a lower value for you.

In other words, buying him that drink will bring a lot of bad stuff. This does not mean that you should never buy one from him. But if she asks you at the beginning of the meeting, she is trying to establish a framework in which you are of less value than her.

So one option is to jump through the hoop. You can say, “Great, okay, buy you a drink.” This isn’t always a bad idea, but it usually is, especially if it’s in the first few minutes of talking to her.

Another option is to ignore it. As Captain Jack, the pick-up artist says, “The number one pick-up rule is: anything that doesn’t help you, you can ignore it.” So you can keep talking and if she doesn’t bring it up again, it’s over.

Or you can put a hoop in front of it. You say, “I don’t usually buy drinks from strangers, but you get this one and I’ll get the next one.” Now if she buys the drink, you have her rating for you!

The point is, you have to know the hoops because you can make them work for you; but also because she is also going to throw them in front of you.

There are hoops of different sizes. For example, a small one would be “Are you a good friend?” “What would your best friend say about you?” it’s a little bit bigger and something like “What do you like best about yourself?” it’s huge. The smaller ones are easier to use and will generally get a response, but the larger ones are more risky and more rewarding. When using hoops with your pick up artist techniques, it is important to keep an eye on this. Mix a few small ones with medium ones and save the big ones for later.

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