More lies, more money

Juliet was walking home from the market where she went to buy some items after withdrawing some money from the bank. Someone came up behind her and touched her shoulders. She turned around and in front of her was a dark-skinned young man of average height who was wearing a white spotted shirt and long brown pants. “My name is Frank. Please, my products have just arrived and I have to go through the customs office, but I don’t have the money to do that. Please, can you help me with some money to clear the merchandise? I will pay with interest, because I have some papers that I usually wash with liquid mercury, and when I wash it, it will give me coins,” Franco said.

Julieta did not consider the interest; the only thing she was concerned about was how to help the young man out of his predicament with the remaining part of his school fees that she withdrew from the bank, considering how miserable he looked. So she complied, and the young man took her to a house where he resides, showed her the papers and liquid mercury, and “washed” her paper for her to see. When she saw how the paper turned into money, she hoped that she would get her money back. So she handed him the money and the guy asked her to wait at the house while he went out to buy more mercury and wash more papers. After some time, she returned with a large box full of money in the company of another man whom she introduced as a shepherd. She said that the pastor had something to tell her. She listened carefully. The shepherd gave him an egg and told him to rub it all over her body to get rid of all the dirt inside her and then break it. She obeyed the instructions and when she broke the egg, to her surprise, she saw a stone and a bug inside the egg. She was so surprised; all she could think about was how those things came out of her. The pastor also told her that she has a bright future, but someone is preventing her from progressing, so she needs to sleep with a man to break that yolk.

Frank was forced to sleep with her so he could help her break the bond, but she refused, saying she would think about it. She was also told to take an oath, that she would not tell anyone about the meeting, otherwise she would die. Juliet freaked out even more and began to wonder what she had gotten herself into. And lastly, she was told that the money she is seeing cannot be spent, because some satanic rings are attached to it, that if she spends a penny, she will die in 7 days. So she has to give him money to buy some cleaning agents so that the money is adequate to spend. But she told him that she had given Frank everything she had. She was told to come and go while they looked for money to buy cleaning supplies; so she left. When she returned, she saw that the house was closed; Frank and the pastor were nowhere to be found. She didn’t think at first that she had been tricked. But when she asked the people who stayed around, they told her that they don’t know anyone by that name. She that she should be careful with the type of people she talks to because there is a tendency that she has been tricked by scammers. She went to her house frustrated and confused, not knowing what to do, not knowing who to talk to for fear of death. But God so gracious, she met nice people who encouraged her to open up and she was free of it.

Everyone is looking for answers to life and why some things happen. But what I don’t understand is if it’s a crime to help people who need it. So many scammers have ruined the chances of sincere needy people getting help. Even the best is mistaken for the worst and innocent people continue to die every day due to the mistakes of the guilty. We need to ask God for a discerning spirit to differentiate between the devil coming as an angel of light and the true light of God.

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