New seat = New view = New life

Have you ever had one of “those” days, weeks, months, or years? Who has not done it? You wake up, put your feet firmly on the ground, get on the roller coaster of life, and buckle up for another day. The ride is constantly changing. Whether it’s gently leaning or speeding you through curves at 120 mph and within an inch of your life, that’s all part of the human experience. When you get off the trip each night, you may be happy, scared, nauseated, flustered by the wind, or on the way to the chiropractor. Whatever happens on that trip every day, if you do it in one piece, good for you, you are a winner!

But did you get the experience you wanted at every twist, turn, and fall of the trip? Sometimes we enjoy every aspect of the trip and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes the journey is easy, and yet other times the same journey can be difficult and exhausting. Why is that? The answer can be found in a change of personal opinion. Perhaps it is as simple as moving to another seat on the trip? We have gotten used to sitting in one place, but if we take a risk and move, we can change our lives in profound ways. Why? If we change our seat, we change our view. A new sight will change the journey for us and alter our life experience.

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that we will all disembark from the trip safely every day. It may seem like a big guess, but in reality, most of us return to the safety of our bunny slippers and flannel pajamas. Have you ever looked at the other people on the trip with you? Have you noticed that some of them have their eyes closed and their breath held? Other people on the trip seem downright serene. Some are trying to figure out the physics of the trip. Others laugh and talk. Some are screaming with excitement! And then there are the riders waving their hands in the air as they plummet to the ground. Where do you think you fit in? Are you a hand shaker, a laugh or a deal breaker?

Of course, our circumstances change daily and our reactions are influenced by those circumstances. Birth, death, falling in love, and loss of hope are just a few of the life circumstances that people experience and react to. Could it be that our reaction to these circumstances is also defined by our point of view? Let me be clear, if you experience trauma, I am not saying that your reaction of sadness, guilt, anger, or fear is the result of choosing the wrong seat on the roller coaster. But have you ever been in the presence of someone who is going through a tragedy with a heart full of hope? There may be tears, but through those tears, these people continue to see joy in each new day. They find the “silver lining” in pain. These are people who are masters at changing your point of view.

There was a time in my life when I would ride the roller coaster with my eyes closed, out of breath and with my knuckles pearly white. It took me some time to identify the positive steps I could take to change my driving technique. My goal was not to become a hand shaker. That would be too big of a leap for me. But I wanted to be a calm and happy passenger, laughing and enjoying the ride. And I didn’t want to have to work too hard for this change to happen. Here’s the game I came up with, maybe it will work for you too!

1. Make a list of sights (roller coaster seats) that empower you. For example, one of my empowering views is “confidence.” When I am in the seat of confidence, no matter what I see or hear, I know that I will leave the trip that day in a better place. My list also includes; love, prosperity, action, intelligence, health, well-being and fun.

2. Make a list of negative opinions. My list includes; insufficiency (money, time, love), loneliness, anxiety and fear.

3. Take the time to do this exercise. It will take about 5-10 minutes.

in. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a break.

B. Feel your body in the chair. Feel your hands, head, arms and legs. Feel your feet on the ground.

against Recognize the sounds you hear and the thoughts that are in your mind.

D. Once you are fully aware of your immediate surroundings, zoom in. Be aware of the room you are sitting in and the building you are in. Expand that awareness to include your street and neighborhood.

me. Expand your knowledge even further to include your state, province, country, and world. Become aware of your place in this world and the other people who share it with you.

F. When you have fully experienced your connection to the world, refocus your attention on your body.

gram. Imagine yourself on the roller coaster. What seat are you sitting in? Is it on your empowerment or disempowerment list? Look around. Take in the other people on the trip. They are smiling at you. They are not in a hurry. They are waiting until you find the perfect seat for you right now. Take your time and choose the seat that suits you right now.

Once you have your enabling entry list, keep it with you. You may need to change seats at any time. The more you do, the better you will do. Who knows, we can all be hand shakers one day! Don’t forget to buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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