NLP – 9 steps to read a book to retain more information in a short period of time

Neuro-linguistic programming studied effective learners and effective teachers. From there, neuro-linguistic programming techniques and strategies have been developed and taught to people all over the world to retain more information in a short period of time, from a book or a training manual.

Follow the 9 steps below the next time you read a book to retain more information in a shorter amount of time. This is not a conventional way of reading a book. This is simply a very effective and improved way to read a lot of books quickly and still retain more information than the average person.

So grab your book, a sheet of paper, some pencils, and get ready.

1. Read the table of contents. Familiarize yourself with the main ideas of the book. In many books, the table of contents is long enough that you can gather enough information to understand the main points of the book.

2. Read the appendices. Read the annexes carefully. Sometimes they are summaries and important notes from the book. You can find graphs and ideas summarized in such a way that you don’t even need to read the entire book.

3. Draw a mind map. Mind maps have been used for centuries for learning, visual thinking, brainstorming, memory, and problem solving by educators, engineers, and individuals. A mind map is a great way to collect information visually. Buy an inexpensive box of markers and draw a map. The main idea of ​​the book should be drawn in the center of the page. The different chapters should be drawn as one word/image that should stand alone and sit on its own line, radiating from the center.

4. Read the beginning and end of each chapter. The gist of a chapter is usually at the beginning and end of the chapter. Sometimes it is enough to grasp the whole idea and some details of the chapter.

5. Create another mind map. Now, you have gathered more information. Create a second map.

6. Let everything settle. Wait about a day or two. You can start another book if you want or just relax. Reread your mind map just before bed.

7. Create a third mental map, the result of the previous 2. In the morning, gather your 2 mind maps and create a new one. Starting with this new map, you may have specific questions, so go to step 8.

8. Research specific answers to questions you may have on a specific topic. Usually, drawing mind maps will generate questions. Go find the answer and draw it on your map.

9. Complete your final mind map. Again, read your new map before bed, and in the morning create a new, final map with the main ideas, points, chapters, and details of the book.

By following these 9 steps, you will read faster and retain more information than reading the way you were taught in school, cover to cover, without taking notes, trying to remember what you can. Of course, there are many more neuro-linguistic programming techniques that you can use for speed reading.

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