Our full potential

In order for us to manifest our full potential in life, we must take care of our physical and spiritual selves. I haven’t always felt this way. When I was nineteen, I had an out-of-body experience sitting in a college class that changed my life forever. Without warning, I saw myself looking into the classroom from the ceiling. Before that incident, I thought I knew who he was. I identified myself as a student, woman, friend, employee, and sister. I didn’t know anything about my non-physical self. I was surprised at that moment that I saw myself and the others from a point of view floating above my body. I discovered firsthand that I am much more than my physical self. With this new awareness came an additional responsibility to care for both my spiritual self and my physical body.

I mention this because, as a psychic, I spend a lot of time accessing the invisible realms, meditating and consciously expanding outward from my physical self. I have learned that to be the best psychic that I can be, I must also be grounded in my physical body, feel healthy, and have a high energy level. My job depends on it. In addition to food, sleep, and exercise, my body requires regular adjustments like a car. Some of the methods I use to maintain my health and well-being are: chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, reiki, yoga, aerobics, and weight training. These practices combined with healthy food, regular rest, meditation, prayer, and self-reflection help me fine-tune my physical vehicle for optimal performance.

Another aspect of nurturing my well-being is tending to my intuitive nature. To experience the higher realms, I must feel rooted in my body. One of the first exercises I learned in a psychic school in 1978 was grounding myself. Being grounded means that I am present in the moment and not “unprotected”, dwelling on some mental / emotional drama from the past or worrying about the imagined future. When I am grounded in the present moment, I feel my feet beneath me, I am aware of my breathing, and I am relaxed and at ease in the moment. There is an opening in my energy field and a sense of being connected to the divine. The technique I learned was to send a ground wire to the center of the earth from my hip area and bring out of Mother Earth a feeling of being grounded, safe and strong. They also taught me to use this cord as a liberation tool to let go of any inharmonious thoughts or feelings sending them through the cord to be transmuted into light in the center of the Earth and then raising feelings of peace, harmony to my heart. and presence.

The benefit of being grounded is that we can accomplish any task or complete any task more completely because we are fully present. When we ground ourselves, we invite the non-physical aspect of who we are going to fully incarnate in our humanity. There is a special power in being ingrained and ingrained in the body. It allows us to be at our core and feel our strengths and gifts and then bring them out into the world with confidence and ease. In these auspicious times of change, paying attention and being grounded in the present moment are important practices to develop. Here is an example. After having had a chiropractic adjustment, massage, or acupuncture appointment, my physical self feels calmer, stronger, and energetic. I breathe more deeply and am more in contact with my body. These adjustment methods allow me to retain more psychic energy when I do my readings. When I am physically present and very aware of the moment, I can add clarity and precision to my sessions because my tuning instrument, my body, is in a state of being healthy and aligned. You too will be able to expand your potential as you become more grounded.

We have the opportunity to value our physical and spiritual well-being alike and take care of ourselves with healthy choices. We are not just these physical bodies. We are much more! Our spiritual selves continue after the change called death, but in the meantime, we can enjoy our humanity and live a happy and healthy life in bodies that are in tune and functionally optimal, while being brilliantly connected to our souls.

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