How to check the reliability of online stores

Online stores, including those hosted on Blogger and LiveJournals, are blooming like flowers after spring rain, thanks to the widespread availability of the Internet. Offline stores have also discovered that you have an online presence. While the Internet offers shoppers a wonderful variety of choices and styles at their...

Annamalai University of Distance Education

Annamalai University is the largest university in Asia offering distance learning courses. There are more than 400 study courses, which can be chosen by the students. The University boasts of a scholarly faculty numbering nearly 2,500 in strength. In 1979, the Distance Education Directorate was established. The National Council...

The culture of freedom in a digital universe

Who among us does not like to receive something for free? Whether times are tough or not, most of us appreciate not paying for something we want or like. The World Wide Web has taken this to new heights. There are all kinds of sites with all kinds of...

Causes of the belly: unknown secrets on what to avoid

The causes of the belly are many. However, some are more damning than others. However, the damning causes, when avoided, will save you from accumulating belly fat. This article is written to project the unknown secrets on what to do to avoid tummy ache. 1. Improper Diet and Nutrition:...

Detox and Weight Loss – Win-Win!

With the increase in toxins in the environment and the food we eat, it is not surprising that most people find themselves at a level of toxicity that is beyond the point that the body’s own natural detoxification system can handle. Chemicals and toxins can build up in your...

3 Elements of a Closing Deal Classified Ad

Have you ever wondered why your perfectly good classified ad fails to get the attention you want? There should be dozens, nay, hundreds of prospective buyers flooding your email inbox with offers. After all, you’re offering a mint baseball card, a vintage coat, a pristine used car, those sporting...

Billy Connolly’s Top 10 DVDs

Billy Connolly is the comedian of his generation. He the best comedian to ever come out of the UK. Here is a list of 10 of the best DVDs of him. 1. Billy and Alberto. Filmed at the Royal Albert Hall in 1987, Connolly shows exactly why he was...