Alwar – Green District of Rajasthan

Rajasthan is famous for its desert land, but perhaps Alwar is the only place where vegetation rules the landscape. Before independence it was known as Matsyanagar Agar, the kingdoms of Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur and Karauli merged to form the short-lived “Kingdom of Matsya”. There are different schools of thought...

How to buy a debit card online in 4 easy steps

Did you know that purchases made with brand name debit cards (such as Visa) exceeded credit card purchases for the first time during the last three months of 2008 (4/30/09 WSJ)? Why? Undoubtedly, the current economic recession and the credit crunch have something to do with this change. An...

10 Little Guerrilla Techniques You Should Know

“Every great romance and every great deal starts with small talk. The key to successful small talk is learning to connect with others, not just communicate with them.” Dr. Bernardo J. Carducci, author of The Pocket Guide to Successful Small Talk: How to Talk to Anyone Anytime, Anywhere About...

School Management Software – Features

School management software is application software for schools to manage student data. It is an interactive platform for all entities of the school such as students, teachers, administrators, finance department, parents and staff, properties, etc. Information can be easily shared with authorized users, records searched and reports generated at...

Office workers and chronic neck pain

Anyone who has to spend long hours sitting at a desk, computer, or in a classroom is at risk for ongoing neck and upper back pain. The discomfort may be tightness in the upper shoulders, pain or burning in the neck and shoulder blades, or a tired feeling in...

Pros and Cons of Chicken Jerky Treats for Dogs

You can definitely use dog treats to help you train your dog or to reward him for good behavior. But of course, you have to make sure that they are not only appetizing but also healthy at the same time, making sure that they do not harm your dog...