Penis odor due to hyperthyroidism

Phew! If releasing his penis from the pant cave produces an overwhelming penis odor, a man has a penile health issue that needs attention. Persistent and overwhelming penile odor is one of the biggest inconveniences for a partner or potential partner, and on top of that, it’s just plain embarrassing. If penile odor is a problem, a man needs to take action, and his first step is to determine the cause. There may be several culprits, but one that is often overlooked is the possibility of hyperthyroidism.

Penis odor is often due to a guy just not practicing his best penile hygiene. The penis and testicles sweat a lot, and frequent showering or bathing is necessary to prevent odor-causing bacteria released by sweat from becoming a problem. But when a man has hyperthyroidism, even daily washing may not be enough to keep penile odor at bay.


So what is hyperthyroidism? As its name implies, it involves the thyroid gland. For those whose high school anatomy lessons are a dim memory, the thyroid gland is an organ in the front of the neck. Although small in size, it plays an important role as it determines when and how to release the hormones that the body needs to control its metabolism, heart rate, breathing, body temperature, weight and many other functions.

When the thyroid is working properly, it increases the chances that the entire body works in harmony. But if the thyroid is malfunctioning, it can affect a wide range of functions. Sometimes the thyroid gland makes too much of two hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine (commonly called T3 and T4). When this happens, a condition known as hyperthyroidism occurs.

When a person has hyperthyroidism, the hormones that control many body functions are out of balance. As a result, their heartbeat may speed up or become irregular, they may lose weight (although they may experience an increase in appetite), and they may become nervous or anxious. Sleeping can be difficult and irregular, and they may experience muscle pain and fatigue. In addition, they will often start to sweat excessively, even when they are not doing anything especially physically demanding.

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It is excess sweating, as one might suspect, that contributes to the potential penile odor problem. Sweat released in the groin (and underarms) tends to have a stronger, more distinctive odor, so if the groin starts to sweat more, penile odor is likely to increase.

A guy can take care of this short term by washing his penis and balls more often, but this is often not enough. Also, for your overall health, it is important to have your hyperthyroidism treated.

Diagnosing hyperthyroidism can take some time, as its symptoms may resemble other conditions. However, when it is diagnosed, the doctor can take steps to treat it. Such steps include first determining the reason for the overproduction of hormones and then selecting treatment to attack the cause. Typical forms of treatment include shrinkage of the thyroid gland using radioactive iodine; medications such as methimazole and propylthiouracil; beta blockers; and, in some cases, thyroid gland surgery.

Whether caused by hyperthyroidism or more everyday causes, penile odor is worth treating quickly, and treatment should include the daily use of a superior penile health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin). When it comes to penile odor, you need to do everything you can to reduce the impact of bacteria, which is why a vitamin A cream is necessary. Vitamin A has antibacterial properties that can play an important part in reducing odor. Additionally, the cream should include a powerful antioxidant to help protect the delicate skin of the penis. Alpha Lipoic Acid is an excellent antioxidant that fights excess free radicals that can otherwise cause oxidative damage to the skin of the penis.

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