Primary Foods: Are You Neglecting or Taking Care of Your Overall Health and Well-Being?

As mothers and wives, we sometimes forget that we must nurture ourselves as much as those we love. The days are never long enough and there’s always one more thing on that “to do” list. Unfortunately, this leads us to neglect the needs of our body, mind and spirit, our main food.

The term “primary food” was coined by IIN, the school where I studied, and refers to what feeds the soul: loving relationships, regular exercise, spiritual practice, and a fulfilling career. When the primary foods are in balance, everything else falls into place. It is important not to forget that food is only a source of nutrition. All parts of our lives affect our health as a whole.

Here are three ways to incorporate small changes in your life and receive big results:

1. Enjoy a quiet moment every day: take some time every day to recharge. It could be reading a book, praying, meditating or journaling, it’s up to you. Try this simple exercise called Morning Pages (developed by Julia Cameron) to help you start your day off right: Before you go to sleep, grab a notebook and pen and place them by your bedside. As soon as you wake up, start writing everything and anything that is on your mind – a stream of conscious writing. This is not a novel and it’s not for anyone to read, so let it flow naturally. There is no wrong way to do this exercise. You will be amazed at what comes out of this exercise! I find that after doing them, I feel refreshed and my mind tends not to be as busy during the day.

2. Make exercise a part of your daily life: Experiment with different types of exercise and aim to set aside 30 minutes to an hour 4 times a week. Do you love being outside? Try biking, running, or taking a brisk walk. If you’re new to running, Google C25K. This program takes you from the couch to running a 5k in 9 weeks. Running not for you? Find a local gym and try a class or two until you find something you connect with. Little time? Buy some DVDs and exercise at home when the kids are sleeping. The key is to make the time to get up and MOVE. Regular exercise not only helps you get in better shape, it also helps reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy levels, lower blood pressure, and strengthen your heart, just to name a few!

3. Take time to connect with your spouse every day – When our children are young, they are the center of our world, and sometimes our relationship with our partner ends up neglected. Even if it’s only half an hour after the kids go to bed, it’s important to nurture your relationship. How long has it been since the two of you went out alone? Get a babysitter and mark the date on your calendar! Or make a list of fun “date night” activities. Whatever you decide, it’s important to make sure you spend quality time with your spouse every day.

Once your main foods are in balance, everything else can fall into place, including reaching health goals like losing weight and eating a healthier diet. It’s time to reconnect and nurture yourself. You are worth it!

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