Ramadan: a nutritional solution?

The blessed month of Ramadan is upon us again.

I was hoping to write this article at least a week before the start of this auspicious month, unfortunately this was not the case due to circumstances beyond my control.

Insha’Allah, the information presented below will be somewhat eye opening for many, for others it will be a new way of implementing a side of Ramadan that is sadly neglected and for most of you it will be both.

Every year when we sit down and prepare for iftar I worry about the amount of food that is prepared to break (or open) the fast, this coupled with the actual types of food that are presented is a double whammy! ! Most food is fried, full of sugar, highly processed, and causes inflammation and free radical damage, basically: nothing short of a health disaster. (Free radicals are formed when weak bonds break apart in the body, they can harm your body and come from a number of sources, eg cigarette smoke, pollution, fried foods, etc.)

I remember, not in the very distant past, I was not aware of the importance of good nutrition. I too was consuming the aforementioned foods carelessly, not knowing the damage it was doing to me and its contribution to making my fasts more difficult, yes I said more difficult. Even more surprising and shocking is the fact that at the end of this month many gained weight despite decreased caloric intake (ie eating less).

This must really surprise you, right? Do we eat less and gain more weight?

So you are probably wondering how this can happen and what is wrong with the status quo.

Well, before I dive into this, let me briefly explain what happens to our bodies when we fast.

During a fast, our metabolism drops and the body can delegate its resources to properly heal the body instead of constantly digesting the food we eat.

The body initially uses circulating glucose (ie, the carbohydrates you last consumed) to maintain bodily functions and sustain organs, this source of energy does not last long. Thereafter, the body switches to glucose stored in the muscles and then to the liver (stored as glycogen). After near depletion of these energy sources, the body switches to using stored protein, which involves converting amino acids (ie, protein in its simplest form) into glucose (a process known as gluconeogenesis). When these primary fuel sources are used, the body eventually resorts to using fat for energy, even though it is not the preferred source.

Because we fast from dawn to dusk, the body’s use of fat is somewhat minimal compared to its use of stored carbohydrates and protein.

Fat is very energy dense (about 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and protein have about 4 calories per gram) and storage in the body is very simple.

The body doesn’t just use one source of energy until it’s finished and then turn to the next, it just uses a greater amount of one compared to the other. For example, fats cannot be used without the presence of carbohydrates.

Don’t get me wrong, we do burn fat during our fast, although not a huge amount. Fat is best utilized during sedentary activity (ie sitting, limited or no activity, etc.), you’re probably burning fat as you read this article, unless you’re running or something, unlikely! So if you’re taking it easy (physically) during your fast, you’re more likely to burn more fat, that doesn’t mean it’s going to blend in with your office/home furnishings!

For those of you who are worried about losing muscle mass, don’t worry, you’ll be lucky if you lose even 1% (note: proper nutrition is also required to further minimize this loss – will be discussed in the next few blogs and briefly mentioned below).

In very simple terms, that is what happens in our body during a fast.

So the next question should be… what is a good nutritional approach?

I’m glad you asked 😉

Well, overeating and gorging on a lot of food is definitely a way to alter your body (aesthetically and definitely from a health perspective).

Remember, your body will not have used much fat during the fast (compared to the amount of protein and carbohydrates), so replenishing protein and carbohydrate stores should be the priority, that does not mean you can eat deeply. fried chicken and all the sugar you want, that won’t work very well!

The best food to break the fast is some dates; we all know this as it was the practice of the prophet Muhammad (SAWS).

But did you know that dates are highly concentrated in sugars, mainly fructose, which is the sugar used by the liver and then supplied directly to the brain? Unbelievable huh? The first food that the prophet (SAWS) consumed instantly replenished energy in a vital organ (the liver) and also in his brain.

The liver also plays an important role in metabolism, so date consumption provides and primes this organ with much-needed energy to perform this task properly.

After breaking the fast and then praying the Maghreb we can continue with our meal.

Before I continue with the “rights and wrongs” of some of the more well-known dietary mishaps, I need to return to fat briefly.

Over time, our fat stores accumulate environmental toxins like PCBs, DDT, and benzene. When bound to adipose (fat) tissue, these toxins are relatively harmless, however, during a fast, fat is broken down and used for energy, so these toxins are released and given a second chance to wreak havoc. in the body. This should not come as a cause for dismay, on the contrary, it is a good reminder of the importance and benefit of proper nutrition and its ability to combat such problems. The release of such toxins is minimal as fasting does not last more than a full 24 hours, if this were the case then you would actually release more. To really get rid of these toxins, you would need to employ a detox regimen (it’s not that daunting, I promise, it’s very simple), however I won’t discuss this topic here as it will take us away from the purpose of this article.

In a nutshell, eat foods high in antioxidants (these are natural body chemicals or drugs that reduce and fight free radical damage, for example, fruits and vegetables, preferably with every meal) and those that have detoxification abilities (i.e. say, cleaning) very strong (for example, sprouts, preferably raw or lightly steamed). Any further discussion of these issues would require an article of its own and is therefore beyond the scope of this article.

Now I can’t tell you exactly what to eat, but I can definitely give you some very good examples that will help you dictate and distinguish the good choices from the bad ones.

The first real meal after maghreb should consist of protein (eg chicken, turkey, egg white) and carbohydrates (whole grain wraps aka Lebanese bread/kubz, brown rice, lentils, also high in protein, beans , quinoa, whole grains, etc.). low in fat (you will probably get enough fat from the above foods, although other good sources of fat are: olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocados, etc.). I can’t specify exact amounts of food as everyone is different and requirements will vary considerably, although the best indicator is when you feel full and satisfied without overeating.

Try not to drink too much fluid with your meal (a small amount is fine), as this will impair digestion. Approximately 30 to 60 minutes after a meal would be an ideal time to consume some fluids.

The next meal (probably after the taraweeh) should consist of the same macronutrient breakdown (ie protein and carbs), although this is not required, but recommended. One could simply treat themselves to some fruit or whatever the individual desires (within a healthy reason).

Whatever you do, don’t eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats. When you consume a large amount of carbohydrates and fat, the body releases a large amount of insulin, which leads to weight gain and a host of other problems.

This doesn’t mean you can’t combine the two macronutrients, just be careful not to have too much of both in one sitting.

For suhoor (before sunrise meal), I recommend a meal that is high in protein and fat. Examples of which include eggs (protein and fat), nuts and seeds (fat), fish: salmon, sardines, mackerel (all protein and fat), etc.

Now for those of you who really need some carbs at that time in the morning and can’t see yourself eating the above, I recommend steel cut oats or rolled oats (not the quick cooker ones), barley porridge, or a protein. and carbohydrate food of your choice.

It is important to note that the actual types of food are just as important. For example, grilled chicken breast (skinless) is far superior compared to fried chicken. The fried chicken has been fried (obviously) in hydrogenated oil (this is so bad that the FDA doesn’t even recommend a minimum amount to consume, they advise avoiding it altogether!). In this example, I’ve said to avoid chicken skin because of the toxins in the skin (which is mostly made up of fat – remember this is where most environmental chemicals reside, as discussed above), this is a direct result of abuse. of chickens and the environment and feed to which they are exposed.

In terms of carb options, the least processed ones are the best. Whole grain bread instead of white bread, oatmeal/shredded wheat instead of rice krispies/coconut popsicles, etc., basically whole grain carbs instead of refined grains. Fruits and vegetables are VERY good sources of carbohydrates and are all-natural as well, not to mention the many health benefits one can experience with a higher intake, although vegetables contain very little carbohydrate so they won’t be very filling.

Good fat options include seeds and nuts, olive oil, flaxseed, avocados, etc.

Initially, when you try to implement this information, you may be faced with many questions. This is good, as it can result in you learning new information about good eating habits and how to distinguish between different types of food.

Points to take home:

– To break your fasts with dates

– Don’t overeat.

– Do not consume too many fats and carbohydrates in the same meal.

– Avoid highly processed foods (eg cookies, white bread, etc.)

– Consume whole grains instead of sugary foods, this will help maintain and maintain blood glucose levels for longer and help avoid depression associated with high-sugar meals.

– Do not drink too much with your meal, it is best to drink most of your fluids before or after your meal (30 – 60 minutes after is ideal).

I hope you have succeeded in my attempt to keep this topic simple and informative. If you like the article please send it to others.

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