Safety Guidelines for Mini Cribs for Parents

Also known as portable cribs, having a mini crib is an option for many parents who want another alternative to standard cribs. Although most parents find it impractical to purchase such a crib, there are still situations that warrant a smaller size.

As the name implies, a mini crib is smaller than the standard size crib. The price is usually between $150 and $200 depending on the materials used. Standard cribs, on the other hand, typically cost between $500 and $1,000.

Today, there are many models of mini cribs to choose from. In fact, you may even have the opportunity to purchase its different features. There are some with a conversion kit that can be used to convert the crib into a toddler bed. Other than that, there are pull-out rails, built-in drawers, rocking chairs, dressers, and dressers. You can also find a wide range of styles from the design of the crib to the choice of materials.

What are the benefits of having a mini crib? Well, this piece of furniture is a great option for parents who are saving space. Since they are smaller, they are also cheaper in price. Other than that, you can stop shopping for a toddler bed as some of these models can be converted into one.

However, the downside is that babies can have quite limited movement when it comes to the cradle. They really are smaller than the standard-size crib, so you’ll be forced to convert it to a toddler bed sooner than you might have planned.

Also, there are many issues with mini cribs that you need to address before using one. Many of these portable cribs have drop-down side rails that parents and guardians must use to make it easier to care for babies or remove them from the crib. Many of these models were created so that the sides can be folded down, making it more portable. But, in recent times, the safety and security of these drop-down rails has been questioned. In that sense, manufacturers are now prohibited from selling and creating these types of cribs by the end of the year. So be careful with these models and look for one that comes with a stationary side.

Ideally, safety precautions are taken even before the crib is installed. Once you’re installing it, it’s important to get all the bolts and screws as tight as possible. There should be no sharp edges or corners near the crib, along with curtains or other hanging things, as this can become a potential threat to a curious child. Other than that, make sure that the crib bedding is always snug. Loose bedding can cause your baby to get tangled up in all the crib sheets. Lastly, since these portable cribs are usually made with wheels, always make sure the wheels are locked in place when the baby is not being transported.

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