Stealth Hypnosis: Killer Secrets To Seduce Your Subjects With Stories

“Once upon a time there was a wizard and this wizard had a secret book of spells, but the secret book had a very special incantation. You see, it was given to him by his master when he was very young.

Wizards’ master had to go live in a far away land, but he wanted to make sure his young apprentice continued to learn the ways of magic and grow up to become a powerful wizard and do good things for people.

So he created a very special book of magic spells to train the young wizard.

Every time the young wizard opened the book, he would receive a new lesson in magic to learn and practice; and the magic of the book was such that it would never let the young wizard turn the page until he had reached a certain level of skill with each particular lesson… and in this way, the master wizard made sure that his young apprentice would learn at the right pace, at the right time.

And that he would do the lessons and learn the skills in the correct order to ensure that the young wizard became skilled and powerful in a good and natural way with each new lesson serving as a reward for a job well done, for doing what was asked and required,

…and so the young wizard worked diligently reveling in each new lesson and the powers and skills and wisdom gained from learning, really learning, both from the book and having to decipher certain things that were not directly indicated.

The young wizard learned to be highly perceptive, to read between the lines and discover the hidden wisdom that lurked just below the obvious.”…

Let me ask you a question.

How absorbed by the story were you now?

Go back and remember the short story I just told you. What color was the magician’s robe? Did he have a dress? What did the Master Magician look like? What about the magic book?

All these things were happening inside your head, making the story come alive inside your mind.

Such is the power of stories, even short stories like the one above not only grab your attention but also keep you focused, take you out of your rational and logical analytical mind and associate you directly with the story.

Stories or “metaphors” can be powerful vehicles for delivering powerful hypnotic suggestions, without even telling someone to go into a trance.

The stories automatically induce a hypnotic state.

Remember that our definition of covert conversational hypnosis is the deliberate use of hypnotic operators for the express purpose of circumventing or reorienting the critical factor of the conscious mind and establishing acceptable selective thinking.

During those brief moments in time you were suspended and absorbed by my story, in just a few sentences I could have given you any number of suggestions, cleverly hiding them within the story structure and ultimately you would have thought they were your own. idea. simply because I DID NOT say them directly, but your unconscious mind got the message.


When it comes to the “magic” of covert and conversational hypnosis, the vast majority of conversational hypnosis falls into one of two categories.

Category 1 – Assumptions.

Category 2 – Metaphor.

Today’s lesson on STEALTH HYPNOSIS will cover the ever-attractive and subtly seductive secret of stories.

The stories will effectively mesmerize anyone who listens to them.

The problem is that to get a specific result you have to build your stories in a certain way.

Now I’ll be honest, I’m a big fan of presuppositional hypnosis.

Especially in a business context. But we’ll save that for another item silo.

In case you don’t know what presuppositional hypnosis is, it is hypnotic language patterns that cause the brain to respond in a certain way. For the most part, they are the linguistic equivalent of assumptions.

But I’ll tell you, if you’re going to do some kind of hypnotic writing, talking to a group of ethnically or linguistically diverse people…
You better be telling some stories.

Especially if you are into marketing or any form of copywriting.

Stories are by far the most universally compelling way to circumvent the critical factor of a person. Some languages ​​are more difficult to do with presuppositional hypnosis because the structure of some languages ​​does not work the same in all cultures.

But every country and every culture tells stories…
And for good reason.

They work, they induce an instant altered state and deliver powerful messages to a person’s unconscious mind.

Hypnotic metaphors or stories come in two basic varieties.

Isomorphic metaphors and analogies

Isomorphic metaphors are metaphors where everything has a one-to-one correspondence, for example, in an isomorphic metaphor, a covert hypnosis teacher could be a master magician and a covert hypnosis student could be a young apprentice.

A spellbook can be an item or a series of items that only appear after certain conditions are met.

Get it?

In an “isomorphic metaphor”, the process is the same, only the names and identities have been changed.

Then, of course, we have analogies and similes.

Analogies have a more indirect correlation to the topic.

Instead of a magician being the hypnotist, it could be a mother bird, who has to leave the nest for a while and leaves small piles of food in various places that the baby bird can only get to when it is old enough and strong. enough to eat. to the next level on her own, until they finally reach a point where the now young and strong baby bird has to spread her wings and fly to the next place to get the treats mom left behind.

Do you see the process?

At the beginning of the article I gave you an isomorphic metaphor, compare it to the bird analogy I just gave you. Notice below the apparent differences how similar the process is.

Now while you were doing that, I bet it never occurred to you how absorbed you were in the bird story, even when you were analyzing it, I bet you had a wonderful little bird movie inside you. your head.

It’s okay, I know. I’m sneaky that way.

But what you probably didn’t know, I knew or maybe you didn’t even realize, but you were probably also identifying with the wizard/mama bird or (as is more likely) the young apprentice/baby bird.

This identification process is called the Thorndike Effect and it is one of the most powerful and subtle hypnotic operators in existence. Every human being who goes through the process of a story automatically imagines himself or herself as one or all of the characters in the story.

Stop for a moment and think about what that really means and what you could do with a power like that.

Until next time…
Trance the world and take names!

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