Tabata protocol: a fast and effective training

Can you get a great aerobic and anaerobic workout in under 4 minutes?… I bet you can!

The Tabata Protocol was created by Dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan.

The basic concept of this interval cardio training method is to exercise vigorously for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat for 8 cycles.

The entire workout only takes 4 minutes… 3:50 to be exact.

Like cardio interval training, the rest period can be complete rest or reduced intensity.

That’s it…an extremely fast and effective metabolic conditioning exercise method that improves both aerobic and anaerobic capacity simultaneously.

I personally love the Tabata Protocol… It’s a great way to get a very intense workout in a very short period of time.

In fact, I like it so much that I use the Tabata Protocol not only for metabolic conditioning methods like sprinting, cycling, rowing, jumping rope, and calisthenics… but also strength training exercises using bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, sandbags. , Indian sticks, medicine balls and others.

Now… some people are afraid of the intensity of the Protocol.

Let me put those fears to rest…

You don’t have to work at an extremely high intensity that leaves you lying on the floor gasping for air while your friends call the paramedics.

The overload principle states that the stress placed on the body only has to be slightly greater than normal to instigate performance-enhancing bodily changes.

In other words, you can still get great results with the Tabata Protocol while advancing at your own safe pace.

Interval cardio training of any kind stresses the body both physically and mentally.

This is what makes the Tabata Protocol so great… the short 10-second break gives you both a physical and mental break, allowing you to keep your 20-second work intervals intense.

If you haven’t experimented with the Tabata Protocol… I suggest you do.

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