Take your time for personal care

I’ve been struggling quite a bit with time management since mid-February and have only just mastered my time a little better. However, it seems that I am not the only one!

Many people have recently told me that they feel quite tired and burned out, very busy but not accomplishing much. I call it “doing the hamster thing.” You know what they do: they run on those little wheels in their cages, going nowhere fast. And that is no a very nice feeling. Believe me I know!

I truly believe that in order to better manage your time, you must decide what is important to you and what is not. If you don’t decide, you can be sure that other people will decide for you.

If something is important to you, Will take time for it. He used to say things like, “I don’t have enough time to exercise because I’m coming home too late.” One day I realized that this is absolute nonsense. Obviously, he was making work a higher priority than having a fit and healthy body. It’s as simple as that. Hmm …

So this month I want you to take some time to focus on yourself. I can hear all the busy mothers saying things like “but my kids need me.” Listen, it’s not a selfish thing, it just makes you a better person. I’m also very motivated and have hundreds of things on the go so I know what it’s like. But you can’t give what you don’t have.

There are seven areas in everyone’s life: spiritual, work, financial, family, friends, health / physical, and personal. We constantly give and give and because we all lead such busy lives, it is very easy to miss that last section. Hopefully that changes soon J

This year I decided that because my personal development is extremely important to me, I need to start scheduling time just for myself. What I’ve been doing is scheduling two nights a month to focus on myself. If I find interesting worksheets, quizzes or e-books on the internet, I print them out and do or read them in my spare time as well. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I read a book and at that moment I’m too lazy to find paper and do the exercises. Now I write them down and do all of these exercises during my self-care time.

You can enjoy your time pampering yourself with a lovely bubble bath, painting your toenails, or reading your favorite book. Or buy a favorite magazine and read it over coffee and cake in a quiet coffee shop. Or book yourself at a workshop. I do talks and workshops regularly and, although I love it, I enjoy hosting from time to time. So every year, I attend at least two workshops.

For all the unstructured people out there, you’re probably thinking, “where’s the spontaneity?” I’ll do a Dr. Phil and ask you this, “How has the spontaneity been for you?” I also tried the spontaneity thing and it never seemed to get to the things that were important to me!

I’ve really found this self-care time very helpful and I know you will too. You can really think about what works for you and what doesn’t. I suggest you buy a nice notebook and write it all down. There is something very special about putting things on paper instead of having it all spinning around in your head.

My sister calls her personal time “Shelley time.” Repeat three times: It is not a sin to have (insert your name here) _____________ time. Very well!

So do the exercise, but more importantly, take action. You are worth it a lot!

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