The best homemade colon cleanse recipe

There are so many ways on how we can cleanse our colon. There are products that we can take to help eliminate toxins from our digestive tract. If we want to keep it natural, we can also make many homemade recipes to cleanse the colon. Because the colon is always in contact with so many toxins in our body, we need to cleanse it from time to time so these toxins don’t turn into a more serious disease like cancer.

To help us cleanse our colon at home, we need the most effective ones we can make. Here are the best homemade colon cleansing recipes that we can make at home:

1. Psyllium and Bentonite Cleanse

This is probably the best homemade colon cleanse recipe available these days. The psyllium and bentonite are in the form of shakes. That is why they are often called P & B shakes. We can get them in health food stores. Just be sure to buy organic psyllium husk powder.

Here, you will make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of psyllium, 1 teaspoon of bentonite, and ½ teaspoon of ginger powder. Add this mixture to a jar containing 250 ml of organic apple juice. After that, shake it well until the lumps dissolve. Add 250 ml of water, then drink immediately. While taking the P&B shake, be sure to follow a vegan diet. Eat lots of fruit juices. You can continue this until you feel totally clean.

2. Master cleaning

This is one of the best homemade colon cleansing recipes that we can do. This is more popularly known as the “lemon cleanse.” This is because its main ingredient is lemon. The master cleanse is done by taking just lemon, lemon juices, and other mixtures along with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. For best results, also drink laxative tea every night and then a liter of salt water in the morning.

With this recipe, toxins will be removed from different parts of our body. This is necessary to keep our inner body clean and free from any food containing toxins for 30 days.

3. Green Papaya Cleanse

This recipe is known to be a powerful colon cleanse due to its effective enzyme called papain. Papain is responsible for breaking down solidified mucus so that it is much easier to eliminate along with digestive parasites. Green papaya is much more effective than ripe papaya because the amount of papain in green papaya is much higher. It also helps break down the starches, proteins, and fats inside. We can do this by mixing about 200 grams of green papaya together with other fruits and water in a blender. We can drink this twice a day; one in the morning after waking up and one at night before going to sleep.

4. Water fast

This is a very easy method for colon cleansing. All we have to do is drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, not eat food or juice, and perform enemas daily. This is done with meditation which means finding serenity from within. This can be a very peaceful colon cleanse that will also heal our inner mind. This is sure to be one of the best homemade colon cleansing recipes.

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