The Tantric Tradition of Genital Typing: Does Size Really Matter?

Have you ever wondered why some men and women are a better fit than others?

Now when I say fit, I actually mean genital fit. I know this may sound a bit cliché, but it’s true that it’s not just size that can make a difference, but also the smell, taste, color, and shape of a person’s genitals.

It was part of the tantric tradition to write the genitalia of women and men in both Indian and Taoist cultures. In classical Indian texts, women are classified into four distinct types, which was a tradition maintained in the Tantric era. And there are similar ranking systems found in the Taoist tradition and even in some Native American tribes.

The Hindus not only classified the type of yoni of women, but also classified the size of the sexual organs of men. The value of typifying the genitals varied from one culture to another, but it was thought that by defining different types of yoni and lingam one could understand the sexual preferences in the sexual act for that type of person. Matching the size of lingam and yoni very closely was also considered important for sexual compatibility. In the Hindu tradition there are three types of yoni and lingam; the Hare, the Bull and the Horse for the men and the Deer, the Mare and the Elephant for the women. Animal names were often used as nature was a wonderful way to identify certain characteristics that were similar, if not exact, to humans.

The Taoist system seemed somewhat patriarchal to me as it favored young virgins over other women and thus limited their writing system.

But I found the Cherokee Indian system of genital typing to be very accurate and helpful in understanding the differences between women and men and how to sexually please each different type.

Sweet Medicine Quodoushka is a form of Tantra that was supposedly developed by the Cherokee Indians, but was introduced primarily by Harley Swift Deer, a Cherokee Indian medicine man. Harley Swift Deer established the Metis Deer Tribe, which is a whole Native American teaching that also includes sexuality.

It was many years ago, when I began studying tantra with Lori Grace, that I learned about the Cherokee Indian tantric system and its genital typing. It was a revelation to me at the time and the information I received seemed to be very accurate. In this system there are 9 types for both men and women and they are arranged in a medicine wheel.

There are 5 basic types and then 4 combinations that can make 9 types in total. For women, there is Deer, Wolf, Buffalo, Sheep, and Dance, and for men, Bear, Coyote, Deer, Horse, and Dance. But a man could be a combination of a dancing man and a werebear, or as I like to call this guy, a dancing werebear. Or a woman could be both a Sheep and a Buffalo Woman. This would mean that she has the combined characteristics of both types. It has been my experience teaching this information in a workshop that women are quite faithful to the characteristics identified in this system. The characteristics that are identified for men and women include: size of the penis or vagina, taste of the fluids, smell, distance between the vaginal opening and the clitoris, lubrication and location of the G-spot, temperature of the fluids, the types of movement that could have. please, positions for both sexes, how long it takes a person to reach orgasm and the type of orgasm she can have. (There are also 4 types of orgasms in this system) This system is so precise that it is the main one I use when teaching.

So you may be wondering right now, what can studying this information do for me? Again, the main reason you would study this is to become a better lover for your partner(s). The more information you have about a person’s sexual characteristics, the better equipped you will be as a lover. I also find that when you understand the different characteristics that create a harmonious and compatible setting, you will be able to choose lovers with those characteristics or find other ways to make it work.

An example is the myth that all women like a big lingam. Well, I’m here to bust this myth because a woman who doesn’t have a deep yoni, like a werewolf or buffalo woman, won’t find a horse man a very good fit. But she can find a Dancing Man just perfect. Wolf Woman has a fairly shallow yoni that is not very deep, around 6 inches. So a dancing man’s lingam that is around 6-7″ is perfect for that guy. So this information can be very practical and help you understand why some people are a better fit than others. I also think knowing this information will help you it will give more acceptance of what you have been given instead of judging it.

In many indigenous cultures, including the Cherokee Indians, both men and women went through an initiation before taking their rightful place in the community as male or female. The men had a fire woman as a guide and the women a fire man to teach them many skills related to relationships and the home, including how to make love with each of the five basic sexual types. This could take a few years, and once completed, the person was ready to marry.

Today we no longer teach these skills as part of our preparation for adulthood. Therefore, taking the time to study Tantra and learn about the different sexual characteristics will give you the training that you missed as a young man or woman. Today, we must do that for ourselves.

As a Tantra teacher, I have discovered that when it comes to sexuality, you can never know everything. There is always something new to discover, explore and savor in the sexual field. I encourage all of you to take the time to learn more about yourself and what your partner likes.

Learning to be a skillful, cunning, and sincere lover is a gift that you give not only to yourself, but also to the men or women you choose to associate with. You may not want to learn how to sexually please a variety of men or women, but knowing what type you and your partner are will broaden your sexual education and increase the pleasure you give each other. I always say that you can never learn too much about being an amazing lover.

Some good resources for genital typing are found in Sex Secrets, by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger.

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