The Truth About DCHL Lampe Berger Test Exposed By Former Distributor

Truth be told, you’re curious about this DCHL stuff and the Lampe Berger product and you’re one of three people. Either you are a current DCHL distributor who will probably rush in and say this is not a scam and is legit, or you are another one who thinks MLM is another scam and never wants to feel ripped off by this or finally, you are the person intermediate who is just curious to know what all the fuss is about.

I am going to download the experience of a former DCHL distributor who still uses the Lampe Berger product. Even though I failed at this endeavor and lost money (and made it too), I will say direct and say that DCHL is not a pyramid scam (that’s probably the most common and backward assumption that those who have NO idea about direct sales like to do everything They have no idea how retarded they sound when they keep repeating the same old “is that a pyramid scam?” antiques.

Now I can get into a completely different argument as to how MLM is not a pyramid scam or whatever you want to call it, I’m just here to tell you about my experience with DCHL. Although there are several reasons why this company is awesome and badass, there are also several flaws that probably also explain why I’m not on DCHL today. A lot of current DCHL distributors will probably try to bite me, but this is my experience and here are my thoughts.

I’m not here to do a sales demo for DCHL; I already told you that I am no longer a distributor, so I have nothing to gain by telling you how absolutely amazing the products are (as expected of most MLM companies). I mainly use what is perceived as DCHL’s flagship product: the Lampe Berger. In fact, I still use it today. But that’s not really the reason people join an MLM company, is it? Contrary to what many MLM newbies do, people don’t actually join DCHL because the products are attractive; they join these offers because they want to make money. I know a lot of people grit their teeth when I say that, but face it: if what they want is just the products, why aren’t we all just customers? Of course, we also did it for the money.

And that’s exactly what I did. I made money as a DCHL distributor selling Lampe Berger products to just about anyone I could think of, from personal contacts to restaurants, bars, and even corporate organizations. I invested almost $ 11,000 in the products to resell them and upgrade them to ‘Count’ (fancy dealer level) status so I can earn bigger commissions or something like that. I had a short successful career with DCHL as I made a lot of contacts through my experience and also spread the word with some nice bars and lounges that started using the product.

So there was no question that the products became popular for a while. I even tried to branch out by entering the Estebel and Ed Pinaud range of fragrances, which were also other DCHL product lines. I managed to sell most of those things to my personal contacts and close friends rather than to corporations.

This can be a unique experience for me, so I am not speaking on behalf of anyone else. I was a Melbourne distributor and I’ll be straightforward and say the logistics for this sucked. But it was probably my fault. I had a hard time ordering the products in BULK and then having to deliver them myself (Lampe Berger essential oils were flammable) and I had to keep cartons and cartons of the product at my place, as well as at a friend’s house because I had no there is room left (I had to order in bulk, remember?).

I don’t recall DCHL having an office in Melbourne at the time, so it couldn’t exactly go into a warehouse and pick up the merchandise. I had to order them from Sydney or something and they were delivered to my home address (I couldn’t exactly have them delivered to each customer individually, because everything came in bulk!). From my experience in this business (probably not DCHL’s fault), I decided that I was done with the physical products.

But that was not the end. I saved the best until the end on this one. This is the biggest hoax that many MLM companies, including perhaps DCHL (at the time), lacked and WHY 97% of people FAIL on deals like this. Again, I’ll shoot straight with this and say openly, regardless of everyone else who probably wants to shoot me: training was shit.

Training, you say? Yes, they have excellent product training. They taught us how to use the Lampes, and they even taught many of the distributors how to use the cosmetics and stuff. But that’s NOT the type of training I’m talking about, folks.

Put it this way: yes, I made some decent money selling DCHL products. I made a good deal of money selling Lampe Berger to my contacts, who were both personal friends and people higher up the corporate ladder. But the problem was that, in most cases, these qualities were unique to me. And the people I sponsored? They were full-time workers, who probably didn’t have the motivation to network and connect with people as much as I did. They did not have the connections that I had or the resources that I had to be able to market Lampe Berger products.

What does that mean? Remember, like most MLM opportunities, DCHL had a payment plan that allowed you to earn more money by sponsoring downlines and duplicating. The skills, resources, and connections he had were certainly NOT duplicatable by the people he was looking for. So what happened was that I fought to sponsor people because hardly anyone was willing to do what I was doing.

Make sense? I’m not trying to completely blame DCHL for this much more than I primarily blame myself for this. But the training still sucked. What training did I receive, you ask? Well, it’s the same damn training that a LOT of MLM companies suck at. They barely had adequate training in MARKETING!

Any DCHL distributor or anyone who has been in business should know that MARKETING and SALES are the only things in business that generate income with Lampe Berger.

What did DCHL’s uplines teach for Lampe Berger marketing? Make a list of your family, friends, and other contacts and start looking for them with FORMHD (it’s been so long that I even forgot what that means now). Other than that, it was just talking to people, talking to people and talking to people.

I know it’s a lot of fun now, but back then, this was seriously how we used to shoot on DCHL. Make a list of your friends and family and then start including them in your deal. Now we know that this is NOT how a company is built. Yes, it’s funny that we did. But that was the only marketing they trained us on. So, in a way, it wasn’t entirely our fault.

If DCHL had a proper training system that really teaches people how to market Lampe Berger in such a way that you get extremely TARGETED buyers (marketing is all about guidance, after all) to absolutely FALL IN LOVE with BUYING your Lampe Berger products, that perhaps more people would not only see easy success, but also have MASS DUPLICATION (which is the way you make a lot of money in MLM).

Although it is true that I do not have DCHL (I mentioned being done with the physical products, mainly for logistical reasons) but I also use Lampe Berger products from time to time (I still have some stock left from the old days), now I know how damn works of marketing that anyone can do to sell any product (therefore easily duplicatable) in any MLM.

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