Treadmill Review: Bodymax 1800CA


There are many factors to consider when purchasing a treadmill. One of the most crucial is choosing a treadmill that grows with you, giving you more challenging workouts as your fitness level increases. For example, if you’re out of shape when you start using a treadmill, it’s important to choose one that offers a good variety of programs for beginners. Then, as you get fitter, your treadmill should allow you to increase both the duration and intensity of your workout. Here’s some information on a treadmill that we think works pretty well for beginners and experts alike: the Bodymax 1800CA.

General rating:

4.5 out of 5.0 stars

Key features:

One of the first things we noticed about this treadmill is that it has a super-slim profile when folded, making it perfect for use where space is at a premium. The 2 horsepower motor (2.5 peak horsepower) has plenty of power for even the most vigorous workouts. Another feature that we always like to see on a treadmill is a motorized incline adjustment. The 1800CA electronically adjusts effortlessly from 0% to 15% uphill grade. The machine also has a good variety and number of programs (12 presets and 1 manual) to keep the user interested and motivated. This is one of the most complete treadmills in its class, especially considering its top speed of 10 mph. We also appreciate how easy and simple the folding mechanism is and how easy it is to move the treadmill around.


About £649.00

Product description:

The Bodymax 1800CA treadmill has many features normally found on much more expensive machines. For example, the “soft drop” mechanism is designed to prevent wear on the platform. Another feature we appreciate is that the speed and incline buttons are conveniently located on the handlebars, so there’s no fumbling around when you need to adjust them, either. For those interested in really maximizing the benefits of their workouts, the 1800CA comes with a wireless heart rate monitor (HRM) to make sure you’re exercising at the right cardio intensity. Heart rate is measured through the grips. However, please know that a chest strap is not included.

Product specifications:

Console display: LCD window with orange backlight. LCD screen angle can be adjusted

Running area: 130 cm x 45 cm

Running belt 130cm x 45cm

Open dimensions: 172.5 cm x 80 cm x 138 cm (L x W x H)

Folded dimensions: 172.5 cm x 80 cm x 28 cm (L x W x H)

Product weight: 73kg

Maximum user weight: 110 kg (17º)

Power Method: Hands

Warranty: 2 years parts and labor.


When you own a treadmill like the Bodymax 1800CA, it’s possible to get a gym-quality workout in the comfort and privacy of your own home, something many people prefer. Both medical authorities and fitness experts agree that walking on a treadmill is a great way to get a low-impact form of exercise that’s far less annoying than walking or running outside. This treadmill is a good buy and we are happy to recommend it.

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