What causes vaginal odor and how to get rid of vaginal odor!

The vagina has a natural odor that is not foul or offensive; in fact, the natural odor of the vagina should be very neutral. However, if the smell from your vagina is already noticeable to you and God forbid the people around you, then it’s time you took a very serious look at it. Here are some of the most common reasons for having a problem and what you can do about it.

Poor hygiene – Not cleaning your vagina at least once a day can cause vaginal odor. This is the most common cause of unpleasant odor. Try to clean your lady parts at least once or twice a day.

bad underwear – Not wearing the right underwear can make the vagina smell bad. Women are very prone to excessive sweating, especially in the genital area. And when you’re not wearing the right type of sweat-wicking underwear, you’re definitely going to produce odor. Refrain from wearing leather, silk, or tight-fitting undergarments. Wear panties that allow your skin to breathe like cotton underwear.

Strange objects – Foreign objects left inside the vagina, such as tampons, condoms, or unwashed soap, can cause an unpleasant odor. Please make sure that no foreign bodies are left in your private areas.

the biggest reason – Now, the main reason for vaginal odor is thrush. Yeast infections are caused by the overgrowth of the Candida Albican bacteria. The bacteria is already present in our body and is usually harmless. However, if there is a great imbalance in our metabolism, this will cause growth and infection. If you have a yeast infection, that will cause itching, pain, and most of all, a stinky odor. You really need to take yeast infection seriously because it can lead to more serious medical problems. Since the infection is caused by an internal problem, you will need to cure it by using natural products like yogurt, tea tree oil, and aloe vera.

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