What the President-Elect Should Know

I am Charlie York and I am a first dog. I have some advice for President-elect Obama and I hope you listen to it. Being the first dog is a serious post that is a date that we dogs commit to for life. Being the breed that I am, I offer this advice based on facts and stories I received from my grandmother and friends who write to me about their experiences. My favorite source of information these days is Wolf on CNN. I would like to thank Wolf for all the valuable information as he has recently been reporting on what the President-elect has been doing to find a perfect first White House dog.

First of all, I understand the need to research us, as the position of first dog is very important and the chosen dog should be chosen based on some basic facts in the ability to do the job and get it right the first time. Look at the mistake this current president made as a prime example of which dog not to choose. I like Barney so I have nothing personal against him, but look what Barney is qualified for and immediately the red flags should have been sounded a long time ago. First Barney is a ranch dog who was taught to chase sheep and cattle. Barney has developed an affinity for reporters that is not very well received by most. Barney is also large.

Not for nothing, but my grandmother has taught me a couple of things about my job that you should know and would be the reasons why any of my family members are immediately qualified for the position and could be named “First in the White House “. Dog. “I know that you trust your grandmother and you probably listen to her stories and take note of the lessons she teaches you. From my family history book, I will share with you this valuable lesson so that you do not make a serious mistake when choosing the dog that your He will designate his family as his lifelong best friend and committed servant during his tenure and beyond.

My grandmother told me that many generations ago my ancestors came to America with authentic documents from Yorkshire in England. I know this is very far and far back in time, however, we came to America to work and be productive, as we are specialized in hunting rats and killing them. Everyone knows what vermin rats are and today more than ever I hear that the White House is infested with those nasty disease-infested leeches.

The story told is that one day, while we were all working in harmony and productively, a stranger came to town. This stranger is presumed to be an illegal alien as there was never any record of his employment nor had he presented any documents. The stranger carried this pipe through which he blew and which had the ability to put rats in a kind of trance. There are no records indicating what the stranger was putting into that pipe, but he became known as the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The white-eyed Pied Piper worked practically for free, so selling his services was easy and no one thought about what might happen after the Pied Piper of Hamelin smoked his pipe.

One day, when we least expected it, the Pied Piper of Hamelin filled his pipe, memorized all the rats and led them to an undisclosed location that was never heard from again. It took the townspeople a couple of days to wake up from the fascinating trance of the Pied Pipers of Hamelin, but when they did, they all realized that we were all out of work. Can you see why we all had to emigrate to other parts of the world? Really cheap labor and who knows what else that stranger left behind, but he wiped our bread and butter off our tables. To avoid starvation we are here today as valuable American canines.

We can rid the white house of the rats that have been festering there for some time and we can keep them away. Our work will be dedicated as we know that you made some campaign promises that you must keep. Change in America can have some wonderful side effects, but we know that a sword is two-edged. My grandmother told us this story so that we could focus on our work and I can tell you that I come with the highest recommendations from my teachers in case you ever need a good reference for our guy.

Today, where I live, I have yet to meet those nasty rats, but there are no marmots or raccoons left. I got rid of them quickly when they first appeared to pierce the garden. The only wild things left are desirable as the birds don’t wreak havoc and the neighbor’s stalking cats never bother me. All I do now is patrol the perimeter to make sure my masters are safe and sound. I take nice walks along the river and just eat healthy food made just for me. As you can see, Mr. President-elect, I have made things much easier for you. Let me know how else I can help if I can.

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