Why BeFit?

Does your physical condition prevent you from living a pain-free life? Does it prevent you from doing your job effectively? Are you stressed and unhealthy? People who are not physically fit have more health problems than those who are. I know you’ve heard this a million times, but consider this: Does your current physical condition cause you to lose credibility every time you walk into the boardroom, stand on the sidelines at your son’s sporting event, or worse yet, the predator appears to you and know that you are a sheep ripe for the harvest?

There are many advantages to being fit, but the ability to deal with the daily stresses of life is most important. Military and law enforcement special operations groups have shown that the more conditioned you are, the better you will handle the effects of combat stress before, during, and after the threat ends. Stress can do terrible things to us. Under the stress of a confrontation, we are likely to respond in one of three ways: fight, flee, or freeze. Frostbite is obviously the biggest problem, and not responding to a deadly threat is sure to give you a bad day at Disneyland! Being physically fit will give you an edge over your competition and help you respond appropriately. Obviously, the most appropriate response to a violent confrontation is to create distance.

Physical conditioning involves several components: flexibility, strength, aerobic/anaerobic capacity, healthy eating habits, and adequate rest. You don’t have to run six miles every day, lift weights twice a day, and eat only roots and sprouts. Exercise three times a week for at least an hour, including weight and flexibility training, as well as aerobic/anaerobic activity. Combine them with healthy eating habits and you’ll be off to a great start in a new fitness lifestyle. If you’re lacking in your current physical abilities, meet up with one of your fit friends and ask how they stay in shape.

If you don’t have a fit friend, a great place to start is Crossfit©. I promise you, if you start slow and stick to the Crossfit© concepts, you will get fit. Be sure to go to your doctor and have a physical exam before engaging in strenuous activity, especially if you have been sedentary for a while. Find a certified personal trainer. Start a program slowly and continue for the rest of your life. You will be happy and healthy.


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