Why do you need Jesus Christ


1) Did man’s imagination create God, or did God really communicate to man that he exists through our imagination?

2) If so, most of the so-called religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Confusianism, Taoism and even Agnosticism, are actually Philosophies, because they still feel that God is unknowable even though He has communicated with U.S. So they had to develop their own way of life, which might include their interpretation of what a God could be like if He existed without actually knowing Him.

3) In some primitive religions of today, there is even the belief in many gods, each God represents some control over some aspect of human life.

4) There are only 3 major religions in the world that came to the conclusion that there is actually only one God. They are 1) Christianity, 2) Judaism, and 3) Mohammedanism.

5) Each of these major religions has its own book that expresses its beliefs (Christianity, the Bible; Judaism, the Old Testament of the Bible; and Muhammad, the Koran). ON

6) But the Quran was written by a Messenger of God, while the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) were written by Many Messengers of God. So which book would you tend to believe?

7) Christianity, I believe, is the only one that deals effectively with evil. Judaism has the biblical structure for it in Genesis, but it tends to ignore it believing that at the end of time a Messiah will come and save everyone, and we will live peacefully on our present Earth according to a Jewish Internet website that I read.

8) Christianity believes that evil is actually caused by original sin (Genesis 3). And the answer is in Believing in Jesus Christ, His life, His death and His resurrection for the forgiveness and punishment of our sins. Proof of all this can be found in the Four Gospels of the Bible about Jesus Christ written by Four Different Messengers of God, and also in my Brochures “Who is Jesus Christ” and “The Logic of Christianity” published by Amazon, which could also be purchased from me individually for 200 pesos.

9) Another interesting point is that even two of his stepbrothers (their letters can be found in the Bible, James and Judas) accepted Jesus as the Son of God, and even God himself.


1) God chooses you. You don’t choose Him. John 6:35, 37-40, 44, 65b-65.

2) Remember your roots. Genesis 3.

3) This is War, Romans 7: 15-25.

4) The power (Jesus Christ) is in your corner. Ephesians 1: 17-19, 3: 16-21.

5) Learn to walk with God. 1 Peter 2: 1-5, Hebrews 5: 13-6: 2, 2 Peter 3:18.

6) See God as Father. John 1: 12-13. Matthew 7: 9-11, Romans 8: 14,16-17, James 1: 17-18.

7) What would Jesus do? Philippians 2: 5-11, Ephesians 5: 1-2,8, Romans 12-2.

8) Live with the Holy Spirit (receive privileged information). John 16: 13-14, 1 Corinthians 2: 10b-15.

9) We will receive spiritual gifts. Ephesians 4: 7,11-13,16, Romans 12: 6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:11

10) The high price of compromise. Luke 14: 27-34, 9: 23-24.


1) Spend “reserved time” with God each day. Psalm 5: 1-9, 11-12.

2) Read the Bible. Psalm 19: 7-10, 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, Hebrews 4:12.

3) Memorize the Scriptures. Psalm 119: 9-11, 13-16, 54-55, 92-94, 140, 143.

4) Prayer. Luke 18: 1-8, Matthew 7: 7-11

5) Keep a journal. Psalm 77: 2-13.

6) Praise and worship God often. Psalm 103: 1-5, 8-12, 17-18, 22.

7) Meditation and tranquility. Psalm 37: 4-7, 34-40.

8) Confession and repentance. Proverbs 28: 13-14, 1 John 1: 6-9.

9) You need to belong to a church fellowship. 1 Corinthians 12:12, 15-20, 24b-26.

10) Responsibility. 2 Samual 12: 1-13, Psalm 16: 7-8.


1) Beware of subtle sins. Ephesians 5: 3-7, 15-20.

2) Break your bad habits. Romans 6: 6-14, 18.

3) Don’t give in to temptation. James 1: 2-4, 12-16, 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13.

4) Overcome past guilt. Romans 8: 1-4, 15, 31-34.

5) Ignore other people’s perception of you. 1 Peter 3: 13-16, 4: 14-17, 19.

6) Control your tongue. James 3: 3-12

7) Don’t compare yourself to others. 2 Corinthians 10: 12-18, Galatians 6: 4-5.

8) Faith in Christ, not performance, saves you. Galatians 3: 2-5, 10-14

9) Avoid exposure to sinful environments. Psalm 101: 2-8, Philippians 4: 8

10) It’s okay to have doubts. John 20: 24-29. 1 John 3: 19-20, 24

11) Homosexuality is a sin unless you are born with it. Genesis 2: 23-25, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Matthew 19: 4-6, Romans 1: 26-27, 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 1 Timothy 1:10.


1) Do the will of God. -Matthew 6: 25-33.

2) Depending on the guidance of God (the Holy Spirit) in making decisions. Isaiah 30: 15-21, John 14: 15-17, 26

3) Look at the Christian worldview. Acts 4: 8-13, 16, 18-20.

4) Look at the long-term perspective. Hebrews 10: 32-39, Galatians 2:20.

5) Be satisfied with constant progress. Philippians 3: 12-21.

6) Insufficient willpower. 1 Corinthians 1: 18-20, 25-30.

7) Our dependence on God’s grace. Titus 2: 11-14, 3: 4-8, 15b

8) There can be greatness in the little things you do, Matthew 25: 14-30, Luke 16:10.

9) Become other-oriented. Mark 10: 35-45.

10) Dedicate yourself to the Christian ministry. 2 Peter 1: 3-11.



1) At peace within yourself. – Romans 5: 1-2, Philippians 4: 4-7, Psalm 4: 6-8, Isaiah 26: 3-4.

2) Be happy with what you have. Philippians 4: 12-13. 1 Timothy 6: 6-10.

3) If you realize that you are more humble. Micah 6: 6-8, Proverbs 3: 27-28, 1 Peter 3: 8, 5: 5-6.

4) Improve your patience. James 5: 7-11, Psalm 25: 1, 3-6.

5) Have overwhelming joy. Psalm 30: 1-12.

6) Living a simpler life. 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12. Ephesians 4: 25-32.

7) Have more self-control. 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20.

8) An increase in your faith. Luke 7: 1-10.

9) Show more gratitude. Luke 17: 11-19, Colossians 3: 15-17.

10) Love more. 1 John 4: 7-11, 17-21.


1) Choose faith over feelings. 2 Timothy 3: 14-4: 5.

2) God is larger than life, which means that God is holy. Psalm 92: 1-12.

3) Remember God’s plan for our redemption. 2 Corinthians 5: 14-6: 2.

4) God is with us. Isaiah 9: 1-7.

5) God gives you a clean slate. Ephesians 2: 1-10.

6) Baptism unites us to Christ. 1 Peter 3: 18-21, Galatians 3: 26-28, Colossians 2: 11-12.

7) Jesus is now our High Priest. Hebrews 7: 23-27, 10: 19-23.

8) Now we are part of God’s people. 1 Peter 1: 18-23, 2: 9-10.

9) You are totally dedicated to Christ. John 17: 6-9, 11, 13-16.

10) And live more and more like Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8, 2 Corinthians 3: 17-18.


1) Become a disciple of Christ. John 8: 31-32, 15: 4-11.

2) Biblical morality is the absolute truth. 2 Timothy 3:16.

3) Develop spiritual passion by sharing everything with other Christians. Acts 2: 42-47, 4: 32-35.

4) Be alert during dry spells. Hebrews 12: 1-3, 14-17, 28.

5) Be yourself. 2 Corinthians 2: 14-3: 6

6) Protect your limits. 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27, Romans 8: 8, 10-13.

7) The starting point is your family. Ephesians 5: 22-30, 6: 1-4.

8) This will always be your full time job. Colossians 1: 3-6, 9-12.

9) Build relationships. Romans 12: 9-21.

10) Control your thinking life. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5, Romans 8: 5-6, Galatians 5:16, 1 Peter 1: 13-16.


1) Pray first for others. 1 Timothy 2: 1-6, Romans 8: 26-28, James 5: 6.

2) Fast from the things you enjoy doing, to focus more on God. Matthew 6: 16-18, Isaiah 58: 6-9a.

3) Put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6: 10-18.

4) Believe in the miracles of Jesus and in the name of Jesus, you can do them too. Matthew 11: 1-5, John 14: 10-14.

5) Be willing to testify anywhere. Matthew 28: 18-20, 1 Peter 3: 15b-16, Colossians 4: 2-6.

6) Learn to forgive. Matthew 5: 23-24, 18: 23-33.

7) Take communion seriously. 1 Corinthians 11: 23-32.

8) Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5: 17-25, John 7: 37b-39.

9) Accept God’s discipline. Hebrews 12: 5-12.

10) Practice helping others. Matthew 6: 19-21,24, 1 Timothy 6: 17-19.


1) Make decisions wisely. 1 Kings 3: 5-12.

2) Choose your priorities wisely. 2 Timothy 2:15, 20-21, Proverbs 4: 20-27.

3) Accept unity within diversity. 1 Corinthians 12: 12-13, 18, 21-26.

4) Be patient with the unsaved. Romans 2: 1-4, 11 Matthew 7: 1-2, 2 Peter 3: 8-9.

5) disciple our children. Deuteronomy 6: 5-9, Psalm 71:18, 78: 4-7.

6) Be generous. 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8, 10-13.

7) We will have victory over death. 1Corinthians 15: 42b-44a, 51-58.

8) We will go to heaven. Revelation 21: 1-7.

9) Christ will return. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-5: 2, 4, 6

10) We will live in glory with God. Colossians 3: 1-4. 1 Peter 1: 3b-9.

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