Your Article Resource Box: The Secret To Getting Maximum Traffic From Each And Every Article

Article marketing is the number one source of free traffic on the internet if you get your Resource Box right. Do this wrong and you will have wasted all your time. Get it right and you’re done!

What really is a resource box

Call it a resource box, author bio, etc., what it really is is your chance to create a compelling call to action for your reader. Even though it’s called an author bio, it’s not the time for you to tell the reader everything about yourself and convince them that you’re an expert. In fact, if you haven’t proven yourself an expert in your article, it’s too late to try it now.

Although it is an official Call to Action, I like to teach my students and members to use what I call “invitation language” in their Resource Box. Invitation language can be as simple as “and now I’d like to invite you to…” and then name the next action you’d like them to take. This is the opposite of something like “Get this great new product now and all your problems will be solved in the morning and if you don’t, you’ll be broke forever.”

I’m sure I exaggerated a bit, but not much.

Here’s how to do it

You want the resource box to flow directly from your article, since it is the next paragraph in the article. Starting with “Jim Smith is blah blah blah” is like announcing to the reader that the article is over and that they can stop reading now. Not the result you want at all, right?

Instead, you can start with a nice transition phrase that begins with the word “and.” For example, “And now I would like to…” or “And now you can…” is a great way to start.

Then, going back to my notion of invitation language, you simply invite the reader to take the next action that you want them to take. For example, you can say “And now you can claim your free instant access to…” whatever you’re offering them. The language of invitation attracts them instead of driving them away.

Then, and only then, do I mention my name, and only then so that the good information you are about to get is linked in your mind to my name and brand.

Here is a complete example:

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