Are animal soul contracts and pet past lives part of the pet reincarnation process?

Most pet guardians consider family members their pets. After the death of a pet, many pet owners go through all the human grief processes. Animal reincarnation is a new spiritual perspective and resource for pet loss grievance support.

Are animal and pet soul contracts real? Yes! The first type of contract of the animal soul is called “karmic”. A karmic contract affects destiny within a single incarnation. A karmic contract is limited to that particular lifetime and can still be a segment of a larger soul commitment for multiple reincarnations within one owner’s lifetime. Here are some examples:

1. A bomb dog who dies discovering a minefield to save his platoon.

2. A therapy dog ​​who inspires a nursing home Alzheimer’s patient to talk for the first time in years.

These are experiences that affect the destiny of your human partner. The Karma of the animal (or the choice of the soul) facilitated the outcome of the interaction with that human.

The number of agreements made between a pet’s soul and its person determines the number of pet past lives an animal will share with its mate in a single lifetime or over multiple lifetimes.

Below are various types of pet spirit arrangements that an animal can set up in its reincarnation process:

Oversouling: This is when the deceased pet contracts to direct a new or previous pet from a “higher” perspective.

Walking in contract: It is when the deceased pet’s energy moves into the body of another pet that has agreed to relocate when the deceased pet’s energy is reincarnated.

Soul Braid: This is a shared contract when the deceased pet returns as a roommate within the body of a current pet.

New Body Contract: The pet’s energy that passed through returns in a new physical form.

The afterlife of animals is the period of time where a pet’s life force energy resides in a sacred place after they have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. A pet’s soul may be “on duty” or live in this dimension forever or may choose to reincarnate.

Therefore, after the death of a pet and during your grief over the loss of your pet, have faith in your heart that your pet’s life force energy and love will never end. The reincarnation process has been adopted by many of the world’s oldest religions. Even if you’re a skeptic, what do you have to lose by considering the possibility?

If that’s what you promised to do, it might only be a matter of time until your beloved animal companion returns to you!

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