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Health Fitness

What is the difference between cardiovascular and aerobic exercise?

Do you know the difference between cardiovascular and aerobic exercise? A few people have asked me this question, so I know there are some people who may be confused by these terms. The meaning of cardiovascular and aerobic exercise In general, cardiovascular exercise refers to any exercise that can...

Eat right and keep your blood sugar under control

A common problem diabetics face is that their doctor tells them to watch their diet, but doesn’t give them practical examples of what to eat and what to avoid. Here I have made some practical, realistic and nutritious suggestions on what a diabetic should eat to control blood sugar....

Insanity Vs P90X – Which is harder?

On one side, you have Shaun T and his INSANITY team, jumping, lunging, sweating, and kicking soccer drills non-stop in their basketball gym. On the other hand, you have Tony Horton and his test group, working out every muscle group at a brutal pace, practicing kempo and yoga, lifting...

Symptoms of protein poisoning

There are too many symptoms of protein poisoning to list in this short article. Degenerative diseases of all kinds are caused directly or indirectly by protein poisoning. Let’s start with cancer. Cancer occurs when excess protein in the body causes an adverse reaction to a toxic substance, causing the...

ABC’s of a successful weight loss process

A-Responsibility Be responsible and in control of your weight loss process. It may include keeping and updating a weight loss journal or having a responsible partner who is interested in the same progress as you are. B – Believe in yourself Tell yourself that you are capable of losing...

Are Taller Chiropractors Better?

Taller Chiropractors The chiropractic profession is now the third largest group of doctoral-level providers in the United States (after medical doctors and dentists), and 80 percent of American workers have insurance that covers at least part of the cost of chiropractic care. are taller chiropractors better is the treatment...

How to use your girl power to lose weight

Living in a culture dominated by masculine energy, we are accused that action is more important than reflection; doing being more essential than being; money and material success are much more valuable than maintaining strong and healthy relationships. Has valuing the logical and voluntary over the intuitive and enriching...

Protect your health and keep it

Protect your health and maintain it. Wondering how you will maintain your overall health through exercise? Regular activity has a number of health benefits. Vigorous activity strengthens the heart, making it a larger, more efficient muscle. So that you have a healthy body and maintain it, you can practice...