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Lifestyle Fashion

What do you think? Has the pandemic changed IT?

Well, we are entering Holy Week, a time when Christians all over the world celebrate! But there are many different perspectives and practices for those who claim to be Christians. These are some of the versions I have heard when people were asked if there is a God in...

Ginger and the Candida Diet

Ginger ale and gingerbread cookies are two things that probably come to mind when most people think of ginger. These are extremely tasty ways to consume ginger, however, they are not the healthiest ways to consume it and consuming it in this way can be very problematic for those...

How to treat fluid retention comprehensively

Fluid retention occurs when the body does not excrete water from the body properly. Water or fluid can leak out of the blood vessels and collect in body tissues. It can accumulate in the abdomen, thighs, face, feet, hands, knees, and ankles. The most severe form of fluid retention...

Quick weight loss tips and top secret "TV2" Calendar

I’m going to give you some quick weight loss tips… and I’ll also include the TOP SECRET “TV2” Calendar by moment Loss of fat. Listen, you won’t even recognize your body in a few weeks. I’m giving you good information… nothing like that. NONSENSE about drinking 8 glasses of...

diet for gout

Can diet alone cure gout? It would seem so, since the cause of gout is related to faulty purine metabolism, then it would seem logical that reducing or completely eliminating purine-rich foods would eliminate gout. You might think that the pain of gout would be enough to give sufferers...