The Emperor, the Hierophant and the Lovers: Three Interpreted Tarot Cards

The tarot card the emperor guides us by the traditional rules of society, putting humility first. It symbolizes the authority figures of the husband and father, and control over power and order. Our two personal desires and the ability to fulfill them are represented by two ram heads of Aries. The ankh in the Emperor’s hold symbolizes his control and power over life and death.

It can give good or bad powers, and remember that the power given by laws is not always good power, nor are laws always good laws. The power entrusted to you can, if used correctly, lead to power and success.

Upright Tarot Card Reading: What you need is a strong person to guide you, a person who will encourage you to take the positive steps necessary to fulfill your desires and achieve your goals.
Reversed tarot card reading: You send a message as immature, without perspective. This weakness is expressed in bullying because one is unable to control their emotions.

The Hierophant is a manifestation of a traditional advisor in the tarot card game. Wise and advisory, he symbolizes the guide to spiritual enlightenment. He is depicted as sitting between pillars of good and evil, judging and weighing the options. The heavens and the earth are represented on his left hand, where two of his fingers point to the sky and two point to the earth, thus connecting them. The bald ears in front of him represent the abandonment of the material world in favor of the search for spiritual enlightenment. Intelligence and wisdom are encapsulated in his rich yellow crown. The three levels of the crown symbolize the material, formative and creative worlds. The key in his hand represents the mysteries locked between woman and man. On his robe, three crosses are symbolic of the mind, soul, and body.

The Hierophant is a guide to traditional forms of spiritual enlightenment, but it is up to you to choose whether such forms are appropriate for the time in which you live.

Upright Tarot Card Reading: A spiritual leader and counselor who guides others away from physical concerns.

Reversed Tarot Card Reading: One should be skeptical of everything one hears. Distorting the truth is troublesome for him.

This tarot card is a motivational card that indicates the need to make a decision. At the bottom of the card, behind the man is the Tree of Life that represents our human desires. On the other hand, behind the woman is the second tree of the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge, which symbolizes the true truth. To connect these two aspects, the winged angel stands in the middle, joining forces through physical love. In the grass is the snake, symbolizing the hidden wisdom in the card. One is to use this wisdom and knowledge to make informed decisions or, on the other hand, to let his human desires make decisions for him.

Upright Tarot Card Reading: It is vital that you allow your heart, and not your head, to make decisions. This guide transition will bring happiness and harmony.

Reversed Tarot Card Reading: Use your head to recognize the true nature of your relationship and think carefully about the direction you are going to take.

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