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Have you tried the Coital Alignment Technique (CAT)?

Someone once said that during an intense orgasm you actually die, which implies something heavenly. Perhaps George Bernard Shaw supports this claim when he said: “I enjoy sexual intercourse for its amazing power to produce a heavenly torrent of excitement and exaltation of existence that, however momentary, gave me...

Daycare for English Bulldogs

English Bulldogs are emotionally dependent on human companionship and physical contact. I am continually amazed at how these 50- or 200-pound dogs will want to crawl onto your lap, to get as close to you as possible. If you try to deny them the comfort of proximity, they will...

Soft toys: aimed at a niche market

What is a niche market and why should you consider it in the first place for your stuffed toys? A market niche is not only reserved for stuffed animals. Most enterprising people would focus on this market because they know that it can be very profitable. It is a...

Winter: a Maltipoo puppy’s nightmare

It’s officially winter, and many people worry about how to keep their young puppies warm in the freezing temperatures. Try some of these tips and tricks to make winter a wonderland rather than a dreaded event. Cold weather can be especially traumatic for Maltipoo puppies. The long hair between...

Ways to remember your pet after his passing

You would be an unusual person if, cuddling your soft new puppy, you thought of ways to remember your pet after his passing. The thought of death rarely crosses a person’s mind at such a twisted and life-filled moment. Generally, we live as if our pets possess immortality, but...

Why do dogs like stuffed toys?

She is an amazing certified therapy dog, but she will steal the residents’ stuffed toys if you let her. Now for those of you who are handy with a needle, you can remove the padding and fill the toy with sturdy fabric – that way, it will last forever!...

Best Places to Find Live Betta Fish for Sale

Betta Splendens or Siamese fighting fish are amazing creatures that are loved by people all over the world. Like many fish enthusiasts, these folks can’t get enough of their unique personalities, beautiful fins, and bright colors. Simply put, these beautiful fish have a huge impact on your heart! Although...

A Head for Communication: interpreting a dog’s mouth

In general, it is an accepted fact that dogs, unless trained or directed by an owner, do not communicate through words. Instead, in an effort to establish their needs, they employ quite a few subtle gestures and some that are quite obvious. Humans, however, can often overlook subtlety and...