Children’s health: how to treat autism with a nutritional perspective

I. Definition

A nutritional supplement is also known as a food supplement, it is defined as a form of food supplement that is prepared with the intention of providing nutrients to people who, for whatever reason, have a deficiency of nutritional supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, amino acids, etc. Many countries define nutritional supplements as food, while others define them as medicine.

II. Types of Nutritional Supplements and How They Help Treat Autism


a) Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps prevent the formation of free radicals and improves immune function. It is an important vitamin, because most children with autism have a weakened immune system. Vitamin A is said to help boost immune memory and improve eye contact and behavior in children with autism, when taken in conjunction with vitamin D.

b) Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex is a family vitamin, which includes thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) and hill. They work together to enhance each other’s function, therefore deficiency of one B vitamin can reduce the effectiveness of the others. The vitamin B complex helps improve the function of the nervous system and glands by creating enzymes necessary for the brain.

i) vitamin B1

In addition to helping the proper functioning of the heart, it also helps improve the function of the cells of the brain and the central nervous system in the transmission of information. Study shows that B1 vitamins help improve test scores for children with autism. It can be found in green leafy vegetables, including spinach and peas.

ii) Vitamin B2

In addition to being important in helping build healthy DNA, it also helps improve mental function and manage stress by increasing the production of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which is a rare genetic defect in some children with autism.

iii) vitamin B3

In addition to being important for energy production metabolism, it also helps increase cerebral blood flow, thus lowering the risks of nervous symptoms such as emotional problems, irritability, memory loss, etc.

iv) Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is said to decrease behavior problems, improve eye contact and attention span, and the learning ability of children with autism, when combined with magnesium.

v) Folic acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is vital for maintaining a healthy brain, cell production, and DNA replication. Most children with autism are found to be deficient in folic acid, leading to neurological problems such as slow thinking, depression, memory loss, and digestive disorders.

(vi) Vitamin B12

In addition to helping to improve the absorption of all essential nutrients in the body, it also improves the proper function of the nervous system and brain so that they work as they should, thus lowering the risks of nervous symptoms, including developmental regression, memory problems slow thinking , anxiety and depression.

c) Vitamin C

In addition to being best known for its antioxidant properties in fighting the formation of free radicals and bacteria and viruses, it is also crucial for brain function. Some studies show that vitamin C helps eliminate toxins from our body as well as heavy metals accumulated in the brain. In some studies, vitamin C increases IQ scores in normal and Down syndrome children and decreases confusion and depression in children with autism.

d) vitamin E

The study shows that vitamin E helps improve the verbal speech of children with autism, if taken together with the fatty acid Omega 3.

B. Minerals

a) magnesium

Magnesium is vital for the proper functioning of brain and muscle cells. The study shows that magnesium has significant positive effects on the behavior of children with autism when taken in conjunction with vitamin B6. Magnesium can be found abundantly in green vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.

b) zinc picolinate

Zinc is not only important for reducing elevated levels of other minerals such as copper, but it also helps improve the function of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, which decreases the risk of nervous tension and increases the digestive system’s ability to absorb vital vitamins and minerals.

c) Calcium

It is also a very important mineral for strong bones, it also plays an important role in neurological function in the transmission of messages. Calcium deficiency causes nervous tension, resulting in unpleasant dispositions, tantrums, muscle contractions and spasms, restlessness and insomnia.

d) selenium

Selenium is also one of the essential enzymes, which prevents the formation of free radicals in brain cells, it is also vital for the production of glutathione, which helps eliminate toxic metals and other harmful man-made chemicals in our body .

e) Sulfates

Most children with autism have little or no ability to convert the compounds to sulfate, leading to the body’s inability to protect itself against environmental chemicals and some chemicals produced within the body, leading to stress as a result of environmental toxins accumulated in some parts of the body. body.

g) iodine

Iodine is vital in regulating the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and preventing mental retardation. Most children with autism are found to be deficient in iodine, leading to behavioral problems.

f) potassium

Some children with autism may experience low muscle tone as a result of low potassium levels in the body or the body’s inability to absorb potassium due to low magnesium levels.

C. Other supplements

a) Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid that not only helps calm the brain and inhibits nerve cell excitation, but also helps block the excitotoxic effects of glutamate and aspartate, reducing the risk of extreme hyperactivity and regression.

b) Glutamine

It is a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione. In addition to helping prevent excessive oxidation of cells, thus decreasing the risk of abnormal transmission of information from brain cells due to damaged cell membranes, it also enhances digestive enzyme and probiotics in the gastrointestinal tract, thus restoring system integrity. digestive.

c) glutathione

Glutathione is found in the liver, it helps the liver to detoxify many harmful compounds through the secretion of bile. In addition to helping protect our body against oxygen oxidation of the cells and increasing neurological function, it also replenishes the gastrointestinal tract.

d) Carosine

Carosine is said to help improve neurological function, including behavior, language, eye contact, and speech. Studies show that taking carosine by mouth helps improve brain control of emotions, epileptic activity, cognitive and expressive speech, and abstract thinking in some children with autism.

e) Melatonin

Melatonin is a type of hormone that is produced by our brains to help us fall asleep and is normally used as a medicine to help children sleep. Since the majority of children with autism have behavioral problems, including sleep disturbance, melatonin improves the combination of better sleep, better control of biological rhythms and a high antioxidant effect. No matter how good it is, it is still a kind of hormone, please check with children’s doctors before applying.


DMSA is an oral chelating agent that helps remove mercury and other metals from the body, including toxic heavy metals in the brain, enhancing social reciprocity for children with autism.

g) Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q 10 is also important for maintaining a healthy immune system, it also helps improve neurological function by bringing more oxygen to the brain and central nervous system, which increases energy as a result of the ATP energy cycle and improves mood. mind alert.

h) Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, in addition to helping maintain the normal functioning of brain cells, and lower cholesterol in the bloodstream. It also plays an important role in improving attention span and improving concentration of children with autism. Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids can be found in cold water fish, flax seed oil, olive oil, and nuts and seeds.

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