How many more must die?

It will almost certainly be considered 2020, one of the most challenging, difficult, in recent memory, etc.! The combination of the economic / financial tensions, around the world, the rhetoric / vitriol, articulated by President Trump, and the horrible pandemic, has created an atmosphere of fear, despair and unrest, such as has rarely been witnessed. For someone like Donald Trump, who seems to thrive on holding political rallies, doing so, during this period, has had the impact of further dividing / polarizing this nation. Recently, tapes were released indicating that this president realized, as early as February, how dangerous, challenging and life-threatening this virus was, but apparently decided to hide it from most Americans. Although he claims that he did it because he did not want to create panic, his opponents seem to feel that this is something false and that his main motivation was his personal / political agenda and / or his own interest. After all, for quite some time, he called it a hoax, downplayed the danger, set an example (by not wearing a mask, in public) that encouraged his main supporters to take social responsibility and seemed to avoid listening to health. public. experts. We have already had more than 190,000 Americans killed from this horrible pandemic, and the world has more than 800,000 deaths. Although we have less than 5% of the world’s population, the United States has experienced more than 20% of deaths. Many MORE must die, because of his approach? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why we should demand better.

1. Make a mark; significant; metrics: Metrics matter, science matters, and data matter, and Trump’s denials and proclamations are often, if we wish, less than significant in stopping the acceleration of this disease. We must demand, any approach, is based on science, if we wait, to make the mark, for the better!

two. Options; opportunities; organized: Every option and opportunity must be considered, in an organized way, if we wait for it, to flatten – the – curve. Instead of withholding relevant and relevant information and denying science, you don’t get what is necessary to get things done. When Trump created bogus narratives, artificial deadlines (for reopening schools and economies), and subscribing to unproven theories and approaches, it didn’t help!

3. Relevant; trustworthy; responsive / responsible; reasoning / justification: When this president says, he did what he did, back in the beginning of the pandemic, because he never wants citizens to be scared, he goes – against his statements, made on other issues, including immigrants, protesters, etc. Now, more than ever, we need relevant and reliable information that puts people and smart politics ahead of politics, etc.! His actions, not only were callous, in a timely manner, they were largely responsible for the gruesome results! Many find their reasoning confusing, and their rationale misleading at best!

Four. Efforts; Excellence; endurance; to enrich: Had the efforts been of the best quality, public health-oriented, excellence, it would have enriched and improved our overall results and response! Often times, President Trump seems to tire of focusing on details and lacks the stamina and focus to maintain the necessary policy, save lives, and reduce infections.

Many MORE Should he die as a result of this horrible pandemic? Let’s focus on science, data, and public health, and listen to the experts, instead of the so-called steady genius!

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