How to Optimize Fat Loss When Starting a Weight Loss Program

When most people set out to lose weight, their plan usually involves some type of diet and exercise. While diet and exercise are certainly two parts of the fat loss equation, they’re not the only parts. You will notice that I am focusing on fat loss as any reduction in body weight from water loss will not last long.

An important fact to remember is that body fat is nothing more than fuel and must be burned for energy. The process by which your body burns fat is called lipolysis.. This process, like all others in your body, is 100% controlled and regulated by your hormonal systems. If you don’t have the right hormonal balances, you won’t be able to burn fat efficiently no matter how much you exercise or cut calories.

The main goal for everyone looking to lose body fat is to create an ideal environment in which fat can be effectively released and used as energy. This involves a series of events that will incorporate various functions of your body. The first place to start is to create proper digestive system function. Being able to assimilate nutrients and eliminate metabolic waste is essential if you want to send the correct hormonal signals to burn fat.

An unbalanced and overloaded digestive system is without a doubt one of the most common hidden obstacles to fat loss. As a certified personal trainer, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients express difficulty losing fat while reporting healthy eating habits and adequate amounts of physical exercise.

During consultations, the conversation often leads to a discussion of digestion and elimination. Many people will find the discussion of elimination somewhat embarrassing, but I’ve found it to be a surprisingly common problem, especially with women. If you haven’t been to the bathroom in a few days, you can cancel out any chance your body is sending the correct hormonal signals to burn fat. You simply can’t keep accumulating metabolic waste and expect your body to function optimally.

A buildup of toxins and metabolic waste will reduce your ability to assimilate nutrients and slow down the functions of various vital organs, including your liver. Did you know that your ability to efficiently metabolize fat is largely controlled by the health and function of your liver? The reality is that your liver is the most important organ in your body for removing and removing toxins from your blood. When the liver is overwhelmed with toxins, all bodily functions will be affected.

Common symptoms of a buildup of metabolic waste include;

have little or no energy

infrequent deletions

skin rash or acne


weight gain

Weakened immune system (getting colds, getting sick often)

inflammation (dog belly, swollen stomach area)

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I strongly recommend that you begin your fat loss program with a cleanse/detox process along with eliminating any foods that may cause irritation and inflammation in your digestive system.

The main source of metabolic waste and toxins is derived from the food we eat. This is more of a problem today than ever before. While previous generations ate primarily whole foods, today’s standard American diet contains many processed and refined foods.

Chemical restructuring processes such as hydrogenation have given rise to unnatural substances that create inflammation in the body. An example would be “trans fat” which has been shown to be significantly more harmful to the body than saturated fat. The hydrogenation process was intended to increase the shelf life of products such as crackers, potato chips, cake mixes, microwave popcorn, cookies, and other processed foods. The fact that these are altered and unnatural foods should be a sufficient explanation as to why they are poor choices.

The bottom line is that with so many toxins being presented to our bodies, you need to look to optimize your digestive system if you want to lose fat effectively. The detox and cleanse can be completed in many ways, but one of the easiest things to do is follow a fruit and vegetable diet for 7-10 days.

Although it is somewhat time consuming, a fruit and vegetable juicing regiment is a safe and extremely powerful strategy for cleansing and detoxifying the body. It’s a great way to prepare your body for fat loss.

Fruits and vegetables have incredible healing power that goes far beyond balancing the digestive system. Your body thrives on the natural sugar in fruits and vegetables along with phytonutrients and antioxidants. A raw food diet can go a long way toward regenerating healthy tissues in the glands, which helps balance hormone levels. Since fat loss is 100% controlled by your body’s hormonal balances, it only makes sense to optimize the health and function of your thyroid, pancreatic, and adrenal glands.

My recommendation is that you eliminate all processed sugars and refined foods from your diet for at least a week, possibly longer if you are more toxic. The list of foods to eliminate would also include red meat, dairy products and cereals. I do this with all of my body transformation clients as these foods are a hidden set of fat loss blockers at the beginning of any fat loss program. Consume mostly fruits and vegetables from either whole foods or juices for one week to cleanse your body.

As the cleaning process ends, you can slowly incorporate more protein and starchy vegetables. This strategy will do more to improve your health than any pill or quick fix ever could. Start your weight loss program by working from the inside out and you won’t be disappointed.

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