Laugh or the world laughs at you!

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a poor frame of mind, things keep happening to you to maintain that frame of mind?

It’s like God or the Universe has this really funky, warped sense of humor.

This is the scenario: you wake up in a bad mood and when you get out of bed you feel your back contract. “Oh perfect!” you tell yourself with a lot of sarcasm … then you get in the shower and drop the soap, repeatedly … now your back hurts a lot, you are mad at the soap and you go to breakfast before running away Through the door. Since you don’t have much time, you decide to throw something in the microwave. It’s not as good as you thought it would be, so you don’t finish it. “Yuck!”, You whisper to yourself.

And now it’s time to hit the road … only an old lady with blue hair and a bloated white poodle cuts you off at your driveway. “Look where you’re going [blankety-blank-blank]”She throws up at you very naturally at this point … and of course she doesn’t hear your jokes or your car horn because she hasn’t really heard anything since 1987 … this REALLY pissed you off.

So, you remember that you forgot your watch or your glasses or your wallet, or some other really important part of life that you never forget but for some strange reason this morning was not in the place where it “always” is …. “THIS IS CRAZY!” you scream, as you are now speaking audibly to yourself … really, really audible. The commute is as miserable as a morning commute can be, and of course it is, as you are now completely off track, late afternoon, and in absolute mental collapse mode. The cars around you drive slower … don’t use their turn signals … they seem oblivious to your situation, and after dealing with them for what seems like hours, you finally make it to the office.

The first person you see is the one you can’t stand the most … you’re not a hateful person, you just don’t get along with this particular boy or girl … and what comes next? Well, it just so happens that this is the day they have decided to turn a new page and try to strike up a conversation with you. The sound of fingernails scratching a blackboard is more appealing to you than this person’s voice, but you listen and wait your turn to speak. You know it’s your turn to speak because the evil and piercing sounds have stopped and there is an awkward silence … but you don’t know what to say, so by default you say, “Don’t talk to me, I haven’t.” I hadn’t had my coffee yet. “Nice! The person walks away shaking their head and muttering under their breath, which makes you a little paranoid and even more annoyed.

It comes to your desk or cubicle or workstation and you have three voicemail messages and thirteen emails. Of those sixteen forms of communication, only four of them are what you would find enjoyable. The rest represent a kind of emergency for senders that you must resolve in the next five minutes. All of them. Simultaneously. His head doesn’t actually explode at this point, but imagine how he would feel if it did. And the day lengthens … and so on, and so on …

Sound close to familiar?

That’s my version of “one of those days.” And whether or not the details match your experience (s), I’m absolutely sure you can relate to that on some level.

Why did this happened? WHY does the bad always get worse and the worse … EVEN WORSE?

Simply put, it all has to do with a universal principle that we have come to identify as the Law of Attraction.

You’ve heard of it, right? You may have seen the movie The Secret or read Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich. If not, let me take a moment to explain. The Law of Attraction in the most basic sense states that you attract all the events, circumstances and people in your life to yourself by virtue of giving them your predominant thoughts. Basically, the things you focus on the most in your mind are the things that unfold in the physical world around you and make up your destiny. And thoughts can be conscious or unconscious. You may have beliefs that are hidden on the surface but that are responsible in a very real sense for the creation of your reality.

It is something extraordinary. And the best I can say, it’s completely true. It seems to be as strong a hypothesis as could be made for any universal law, like gravity, for example. Although when you add the science of thinking and how our minds work to determine the way we act and the decisions we make, it gets a little more confusing than “Throw that ball in the air and come down. Every time.”

However, the Law of Attraction seems to be one of those principles that works to determine whether or not any of us believe it to be true. It is arguably the technical nickname for all the labels we give to the fateful events that surround us; luck or bad luck, luck, destiny, karma, or my personal favorite, mojo. And it really predates any of the New Thought or positive thinking individuals who have brought you to the forefront and with whom you are familiar. It also seems to be a biblical principle. “A man reaps what he sows” as stated in Galatians 6: 7 (New International Version) seems to be quite clear. If you’ve read the Bible, you may also be familiar with the idea that “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” That phrase is taken from Proverbs and the book of Matthew. Both of these principles seem to align quite well with the idea that we create our reality largely based on how we think, and that the way we act or react to situations has a very real way of coming back to us.

I also believe that the Law of Attraction is a perpetual law. In other words, the more energy and attention you give to any particular type of thought; Frustration, anger, fear, jealousy, or hatred will inevitably create situations for you that will keep taking those emotions and feelings out of you.

In layman’s terms, it’s what we might call “a real bummer.” However, as stated above, “one of those days”.

There is very good news regarding all this, in fact, you may have already been thinking about it. That good news is that the law works the same way for positive thoughts!

And that is why I think it is so important to be consciously happy and positive. Of course, you may have to push yourself sometimes, but I think you would agree that it is a much better idea to move your mind down that path than the alternate one.

You have likely experienced a morning or a day or even a week that was the complete opposite of the scenario described above. One where you got out of bed whistling a tune you might have heard the night before, thinking you have a very good life, laughing when you dropped the soap for the fourth time, and so on …

That focus then leads to more events and circumstances that will keep you in tune with those positive feelings and emotions. It can make your life seem magical.

So don’t let those lousy little feelings become overbearing. Don’t bring negative emotions to life. Instead, laugh and have fun. You are alive and perfectly capable of controlling your own thoughts and feelings. You can make the decision to be positive at any given time, and you can do it for every day that you are breathing. Thanks to this wonderful gift, you have control over how your reality begins to unfold.

And wouldn’t you rather the rest of the world laugh with you?

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