What is the largest ski resort in the United States?

Skiing and snowboarding are very popular sports and really offer a great break from the winter blues. Ski season in the US generally lasts from mid-November to mid-April, depending on the resort and weather conditions. All ages can really enjoy this sport and you’ll see everything from young children...

I need more deductions!

We can start filing personal taxes in a few days, this coming Monday. (Note that the IRS STILL won’t have several forms ready to go until the end of next week. Thanks to retroactive changes to the law that Congress passed late last month.) So, let’s go over what...

Types of Freshwater Aquarium Sharks for Your Fish Tank

Aquariums are fantastic pieces to have in the home, as they can create a sense of peace and tranquility. There are many types of aquariums that can be kept, from cold water to tropical, and each variation has its own set of wonderful fish to discover. There are several...

TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave: The Granddaddy of All

A few days ago in Melbourne’s 60 Minutes, renowned scientist Dr. Kerry Sieh predicted that the next big wave or tsunami guaranteed to happen will definitely happen, and it will be the granddaddy of them all. Indonesia comes into full force this time… When?… either in a few months...

Signs of bad life coaching practices

It’s hard to deny the popularity of life coaching these days. Everyone goes through hardships and difficulties in life and there are people who need all the help they can get when it comes to coping with such difficulties. And this is where life coaches come in. But with...

Role of psychology in daily life

Psychology is a very broad subject that deals purely with human behavior, thoughts, reasoning, and perceptions. It is very interesting for people who are always willing to work more to improve their existence. In addition to finding a respected job, you can use psychology in various matters that make...