TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave: The Granddaddy of All

A few days ago in Melbourne’s 60 Minutes, renowned scientist Dr. Kerry Sieh predicted that the next big wave or tsunami guaranteed to happen will definitely happen, and it will be the granddaddy of them all.

Indonesia comes into full force this time… When?… either in a few months or a decade is all Dr. Sieh cannot accurately predict at this time.

Kerry Sieh, Professor of Geology at the California Institute of Technology, knows the Indonesian earthquake zone like the back of his hand… and actually predicted the first earthquake to hit parts of Indonesia on Boxing Day. now predict another Tsunami will come, and this will be the grandfather of all!

From Melbourne MSN Channel 9’s Sixty Minutes, Richard Carleton explains why earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis occur:

RICHARD CARLETON: Dr. Sieh’s focus is on the fault line, 5000 km long, where the moving plates of the earth’s crust collide with each other. The plate under the Indian Ocean slides under Indonesia, like disappearing stairs on an escalator. But some sections get stuck and then break upwards, releasing a gigantic force.

DR. KERRY SIEH: The plates are hung and cannot slide against each other, so the top plate is dragged down as this plate sinks and with it the islands are dragged down, slowly but surely, and when it happens the earthquake, they reappear. up and out.

RICHARD CARLETON: And that’s what happened last Boxing Day. The earthquake shook the continent so violently that people were thrown to the ground.

What a useless waste of life! …Dr. Sieh warned the governments involved in advance, he even went down personally and alerted the inhabitants of the affected villages in Indonesia to protect themselves against the Tsunami that he knew would happen…but no one paid attention to him.. Now when he walks into these same towns, he is greeted and treated like a hero!

From his 14-satellite research station, high on the mountaintops of Indonesia’s humid jungle, Dr. Sieh now predicts the next tsunami will hit:

.. and the Precise location… right in front of the city of Padang in Indonesia… inhabitants: 1 million people!

I repeat: all you can’t pin down is when… this disaster could be in months, the next decade or a hundred years!

The city of Padang is the base for Australian surfers who go there to ride the waves of the Menwawais… where some of the best surf breaks in the world can be found… as an Australian citizen, this is early news.

Geographically, the Padang city would have difficulty coping with a high tide, the devastation caused by the grandfather of Tsunamis is incomprehensible.

Imagine a warning 15 minutes before the earthquake.

…and then the giant tsunami waters gushing through the streets of Padang, just as it did in Banda Aceh, sweeping away everything in its path…

…a moving torrent of cars, oil, broken trees and precious human lives!

My call to all my fellow marketers, the search engine optimization community, fellow retailers, and anyone reading this post: Please do everything in your power to reach your readers in Indonesia, particularly in the city of Padang, they must pay attention and take appropriate measures. , to stop the senseless human slaughter this time.

Whether in the form of lobbying local government bodies or through a local press release, must help this time, prior to the devastation of this tidal wave; tea Tsunami’s grandfather takes more precious human lives.

But most of all, do it responsibly…causing a general panic among the inhabitants of off-world villages or your global audience won’t help one bit.

melbourne 60 minutes on MSN Channel 9 has the full story, including a video of the interview available on his site. The video version is in the middle of the page. Due to the ever-changing nature of News, I cannot guarantee how long this link will be active.

While this news is hardly news for an internet marketing and search engine optimization blog, as a parent, the irreversible damage to our environment has me very concerned… do everything you can to stop this alarming trend.

Full article available at:

Marketing Defined in the Next Big Tsunami

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