Some Things About Wheatgrass Juice You Probably Didn’t Know

There are many people who think that wheatgrass juice is simply a healthy drink that you can sip on for energy and nutrients. The truth is that there are books full of long lists of uses and applications. Among its health benefits, it detoxifies addictions, cavities, sore throats, skin problems, constipation, improves blood sugar, high blood pressure, and breathing. There are countless documented uses for this powerful healing juice.


Some of the early wheatgrass juice healing methods were very simple and natural. The instructions would direct a person to deposit a small amount of wheatgrass juice pulp and place the wet leaves on the area of ​​the body that was diseased, scarred, or irritated. Other uses would include chewing the herb for some time before spitting out the pulp. Today we know that there are many scientific reasons behind this healing method.

Wheatgrass juice contains the living blood of plants and shoots; it is filled with the energy from which all living things thrive. This plant blood is known as chlorophyll and has the effect of rebuilding the bloodstream of humans and other mammals. There have even been a large number of studies that were conducted on different types of animals, and all of them have shown beyond a doubt that plant blood chlorophyll is free from any kind of toxic or adverse reaction. However, many people find it to taste strange or seemingly strange; after all, it is weed juice.

detox deodorant

Even with wheatgrass juice having a somewhat unpleasant taste, it does have a few other benefits. The living chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice is like an almond plant. Its juices have the ability to wash drug deposits from the skin and body. This effect even works when wheatgrass is spread over the armpits covering the lymphatic system. This works as a wonderful deodorant that eliminates body odor.

In the blood

When you take a drink of wheatgrass juice, you will taste the grass and the sweetness, and very quickly after that you will often release the changes that occur in the body. Usually this is the chlorophyll that purifies the liver. When it reaches the bloodstream it improves blood sugar levels. If the juice is gargled or simply held inside the mouth, it will eliminate toothaches and, over time, can help prevent or even strengthen arrested tooth decay. At the same time, other people will simply gargle to get rid of a sore throat. It seems that plant blood is good for the skin.

skin, hair and intestines

So much so that several gurus have recommended it for skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. Dr. Patricia Linage from the University of Toronto talks about people who drink the juice regularly and experience gray loss. She also has a series of articles explaining how great wheatgrass juice can be for people suffering from constipation and how the body reacts to keeping bowls open due to its high concentration of magnesium. And this is the first in a long line of detoxifying effects that people experience.

Drug abuse and acid addiction

One new thing that is getting a lot of attention in the community is the phenomenon of people drinking wheatgrass juice and finding that it dissolves scars and damage to the lungs. Especially cigarette smokers and drug users who find that scarring can form in their lungs from the various chemicals that people consume today. Many gases and unnatural substances found in the air can have an acid effect on the aviolas of the lungs. With wheatgrass juice, carbon monoxide is automatically removed due to the fact that plant blood naturally increases the amount of hemoglobin. This is very similar to how high blood pressure can be effectively lowered by improving the capillaries that carry water, oxygen, and minerals. This also results in the body removing and dissipating all heavy metals from the cells of the body.

There have been many fads over the years as to which vegetables and fruits have detoxifying effects on the human body. It has been said that one pound of wheatgrass juice can contain up to twenty-three or more pounds of vegetables such as lettuce, celery, carrots, and spinach. Nutritionally, anyone can benefit from eating vegetables to detox addictions, improve blood sugar and high blood pressure, heal teeth, skin, and body organs. So wheatgrass juice is not just for shots, but also for rubbing on anything you like.

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