The Best Secular Homeschool History Curriculum

Best Secular Homeschool History Curriculum

If you are looking for a secular homeschool history curriculum, there are many options available to you. It is important to find one that meets your child’s needs and learning style, as well as fits your family’s homeschooling philosophy and teaching methods. Many of these options are unit study based and allow your child to learn in a more self-directed fashion, although they may need some parental supervision to provide quizzes, tests and other assignments.

There are also many online options for secular homeschooling history. These are often offered live on Zoom and include instruction, discussion, and hands-on labs that can be sent to your home. Taylor Made Science offers live honors and AP-level high school science courses online, taught by the curriculum creator, Cheryl Taylor. She is a certified secondary teacher with over 35 years of classroom experience.

Beautiful Feet Books is a Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool history curriculum provider that offers US, world and ancient history. Each course includes a very extensive book list as well as Charlotte Mason activities like dictation, copywork, handicrafts and outdoor learning. They are aimed at elementary aged students, although they do have a few options for older students.

Another option for a secular homeschool history curriculum is Curiosity Chronicles. This is a narrative-based learning history curriculum written by a homeschooling mom who wanted to teach her children about the people, places and events that made our world. This is a very engaging and interesting history curriculum that provides a lot of information about the people and events of our past, but doesn’t shy away from controversial topics like slavery and the holocaust.

Other secular homeschool history curricula are geared more towards a more research-based approach. These generally offer more in-depth and rigorous work, but are often more difficult for young learners to engage with.

The Best Secular Homeschool History Curriculum

It is possible to homeschool without a history curriculum if you’re willing to spend a lot of time researching and finding resources for your kids. You can also create your own units based on what interests them or what you think is most important to cover. This approach requires a lot of planning and creativity on the part of the parents, but it can be very effective for some children.

The main thing to remember when choosing a secular homeschool history curriculum is that it must be unbiased. It should not include religious beliefs or theories about history and should also take into account perspectives that have been systematically overlooked or excluded from historical narratives. The secular homeschooling movement is growing rapidly, and there are now many more options than ever before for families who want to teach their kids history without bringing in religion. It’s worth taking the time to explore all of your choices to find the best fit for your family. Good luck!

Some history homeschool curriculum take a narrative approach by writing in a conversational tone and using active language to make history more engaging for students. These history courses often use a story-based format that makes it easier for students to remember the names and dates of important events. Story of the World presents events in four volumes starting with ancient history and moving through various time periods. This type of history curriculum is a favorite among many homeschool parents for its engaging storytelling style and the fact that it can be used with all age levels.

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