The mystery surrounding self-esteem

Self-esteem is the being created in each person that makes them stand out in the fields they dominate.

If you kill esteem, you kill the person.

Low self-esteem denies a person the opportunity to be himself. Psychologists often deal with the affected person trying to repair lost self-esteem, while no one tells us that the process of alleviating the disorder involves more than just the affected people.

Low self-esteem frustrates a person and can lead to depression or worse, suicide. Unfortunately, in the development stages, it is not well understood and is considered more of a personal problem. It becomes a family problem only when it has progressed to depression.

Without each person taking personal responsibility for this rapidly growing disastrous “low self-esteem” family, the destruction may spiral further out of control than it has, from our homes to other institutions.

Who is the cause of low self-esteem?

Looking at yourself, you can feel so sure that you have never played a role in lowering someone else’s esteem. As you interact with people on a daily basis, you can be a part of someone else’s esteem issues.

What worries him the most is his closest family members, as this is where he feels the pain if he incurs losses. But keep in mind that what affects your child may be an extension of what she did to a stranger.

Some actions that lower self-esteem

As a teacher, if you humiliate an underachieving student at any level, you can implant a withdrawal syndrome in them and thus affect them at a later date. You may not think that a teenager remembers how his kindergarten teacher humiliated him because of his poor performance. And worse yet, remember the teacher’s name. If he is an average student, you may not be able to convince him that he can do better.

Comparison is an esteem killer. People are taking responsibility for an upcoming event in a meeting. Someone prefers one duty to another and then all of a sudden; another person yells “kids can even do better than you.” Depending on one’s composition, the effects of such a statement may not be as simple as the statement.

Constant complaints directed at the same person lower their self-esteem. I don’t like your dressing room. You can’t be serious, you don’t know such a simple thing. I didn’t like your contribution to the Bible study. You mean you can’t drive faster than that?

The first thing that will go through the victim’s mind before they do anything is “is this a mistake or am I about to ask a dumb question?”

Does low self-esteem affect all victims?

You may be smiling and wondering why you don’t suffer from low self-esteem despite your bad experiences.

The reason is simple. Each person is created uniquely. It is unfortunate that most of the time we expect people to be like us instead of understanding that we cannot be the same.

A strong person will remove his wounds immediately, while another will cry over a similar wound for three days. The latter is likely to experience low self-esteem. It’s not to your liking, but it’s just wired like this.

What are the effects of lowering people’s esteem?

In the long run, you will also suffer the consequences, since if the person stops being himself, you will share the pain. Suppose it is your child or spouse; you can’t escape from it.

In such a condition, he is unable to unleash his potential as he is in a leased state of mind. His overall development falters. No matter how much he wants to offer you a shoulder to lean on when you need it, he may not be able to, courtesy of you.

Once you progress to depression, you will spend unexpected amounts of money to solve a problem that you could have prevented.

What makes one lower the self-esteem of people?

To think that you know and others do not know.

Assuming that people’s personalities are similar to yours, and that they won’t take such humiliation seriously.

Harnessing your power to bring the other down. A child is helpless regardless of age and can simply ignore his actions and still suffer from low self-esteem.

How to avoid lowering people’s self-esteem

Start by accepting that people should not be like you.

Meditate on the strengths you see in other people instead of the weaknesses.

Correct mistakes in a friendly way if necessary.

Don’t discuss someone’s weakness elsewhere if you’re not looking for a solution.

Never laugh at a mistake in someone’s face.

Learn to apologize if your words have sent the wrong message.

Listen and only respond when you are quiet. Talking before he’s finished makes him feel like you’re undermining his intelligence and making the situation worse.

How to stop low self-esteem before it starts

Hear even what may not make sense to you and get involved. After all, you are dealing with your loved ones.

Create a friendly environment and be easily accessible.

How to handle a person who is in a process of recovering self-esteem

Respond to your questions immediately. Ignoring or dismissing it makes you feel unwanted.

Get much closer to him than ever, your lack of concern for him is an emotional claim.

Give him the opportunity to make decisions and put them into practice. Congratulate him for any effort made.

Encourage him by sharing real stories of people who have had similar experiences.

Gradually make him understand that the difference in personalities may have ignited a misunderstanding where it wasn’t meant to be.

Can low self-esteem last forever?

Assuming one has to deal with it on their own, it may or may not last forever. It depends on what the victim chooses or realizes it’s a problem in the first place.

There are only two ways to do it. Either you choose to get out of it or accept the situation as it is. To make a difference, you need to address the cause of the problem. Let the person know the effects his actions are having on his life and make it clear that he cannot live with it. Every time he hurts you, set the alarm as a reminder and do it politely.

Experience is the greatest of all teachers. Sharing is showing interest.

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