Use Of Strap On Dildos In A Heterosexual Relationship

When you’re looking to experience new and exciting sexual horizons in your bedroom, strap-on dildos can be an incomparable way to expand your experiences. Much more than a lesbian sex toy, many straight couples also enjoy these sex toys incorporated into their bedtime games. Capable of being used in a variety of ways, strap-on dongs are a great source of pleasure for both him and her, making them an essential addition to any selection of sex toys.

Strap on dildos: What do you need?

When inviting a leashed toy into your bedroom, keep in mind that these dongs are rewarding and enjoyable on their own, even when used without a harness. Made with a wide, flared base that secures the toy in a harness, the shape is also pleasant to hold for personal use or during pair play, thanks to the wide, easy-grip base at the bottom. Harnesses, which are essentially sturdy underwear that hold the dildo in place, should be researched for ease and size before purchasing; It will be an advantage to have your waist measurements in inches on hand to help narrow down the many alternatives on the market. Product reviews, usually available on a sales site, will also help you decide which harness best suits your needs.


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Strap on dildos: pleasure for him

Men have an unknown erogenous area called the prostate on their back. When stimulated or massaged, the area acts in much the same way as the female G-spot does, intensifying orgasms and increasing passionate responses. A small, narrow strap is a great place to start experimenting, as it is probably the most comfortable size for a man just starting out. To specifically target the prostate, look for a dong with a slight curve at the end and a rounded edge for maximum contact. The female partner should also not be afraid to use a good quality lubricant when participating in the strap on game; The anus does not produce a natural lubricant, so the lubricant is a must for comfortable, safe and healthy experiences with the belt.

Strap on dildos: pleasure for her

Even when a male partner is available, women can enjoy a wide range of sexual positives from the strap on with dongs. Even after a man’s orgasm, you can continue to please your partner with these toys, thanks to a number of innovative designs. Hollow straps can be worn over the manhood for continuous penetration, and specific hand and thigh harnesses allow couples to be close to each other in a physical sense and enjoy penetration without depending on the man getting an erection. A great way to start and prolong the sexual act if the male partner has a medical condition, is tired, or just wants to completely please his partner, strap-on dildos can be a man’s best bedroom friend!

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