6 Practical Parenting Tips for Single Moms

Too often, many single moms feel like they have to be “super moms” and don’t expect or ask for help. If she is among the super moms, she is at great risk of burning out as a mother. We are all human and we don’t get to “do it all” at some point. Hey, it’s hard enough raising kids as a two-parent family. That goes double for single parents, especially single mothers raising 2 or more children.

So is it okay to ask for help or support when you’re trying to raise 2 or more children? It’s not just okay, it’s suggested. Remember that as a single parent, you have to work hard to bring home the bacon without relying on child support, whether she receives it or not. You never know when that money will run out.

You must also raise your children to be compassionate and responsible adults. That is not an easy task in today’s world. For single mothers it is quite a challenge. You are responsible for your child’s education, the clothes she wears, the food she eats, and also the air she breathes. Let’s face it, whichever way you look at it, it’s a tall order for any single mom with 2 or more kids.

For the moms out there who whose they think they are “super mom” and are No reluctant to seek advice, there are many practical things you can do to gain support in general, financially or otherwise.

Let’s take a look at 6 of those things.

* Take care of yourself – There is much more to this than one might think. Pay attention to your body and mind. You have to take care of yourself first in order to take care of your children. Exercise daily. Eat well and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Get enough sleep. Keep an eye on your stress levels and try to avoid it at all costs. Smile, try it! Helps relieve stress.

* Join Parent Network Support Groups – These can be in the form of online message boards, support websites, online chat groups, offline support group hubs, and your church community.

* Start a parenting journal – This will be strictly for you as a parent and must be kept private. Writing in a journal can be quite therapeutic for some people. You can write about specific parenting goals, anger management, and even special goals for yourself.

* Consider a roommate – Save a considerable amount of money on living expenses and have company at the same time. You’ll also have someone to swap babysitting dates with. Your roommate will take care of all the children for a day and then it will be your turn. Nice concept if you like having a roommate. Some people like to live alone and it is a preference.

*Always show your love- Of course, it is crucial for your child to know that you love him. But there are special ways to show your love. Give him lots of hugs, the kids love them! Write a special message on a piece of paper and hide it in your school bag or lunch box. Show positive praise. Positive feedback and encouragement go a long way to your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

* Discipline – Quite often, discipline is the advice most requested by single mothers. an important thing I have personally learned He is a controlling angel. If his daughter sees him angry while he is trying to discipline him, this gives her an opportunity to put more pressure on him. If he can’t control his anger, he’ll be down before he starts.

“Stick to your guns” is also a famous motto that you should always practice. If you say one thing to your child and then take it back, what good is discipline in the first place?

Use your instincts with parenting and stay true to what you believe is the right thing for your children.

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