Become famous in college in 7 days

It doesn’t matter why you want to be famous in 7 days. They can influence and lead. If you have the attention of the student body, not only do you have an army of followers, your social life will skyrocket.

Rising to the top of the social hierarchy in college is all about being good at politics. You must know how to conquer people. As a general rule, you should be friendly and outgoing. Of course, maybe you’re short on time and need to become popular right away. Being famous all over campus in 7 days is another story.

Nothing attracts more attention than controversy. If you want to become famous on campus in a period of 7 days, you will have to assume the role of a radical visionary.

Visionaries have charisma, conviction and passion. These qualities make people want to follow them. Radicals take on the establishment and disrupt the status quo. To become famous on campus in 7 days, massive action must be taken. In fact, what I am going to suggest to you could be little short of a revolution.

However, before I get into the details, let me emphasize that I do not recommend that you make a political statement on campus just for the sake of becoming popular. Choose a cause that you are truly passionate about and fight for it. You will make a great contribution to that cause and the side effect will be fame on campus.

If you want to become famous in college in 7 days, do a 7-day campaign for a school issue or charitable cause, and do something extreme to draw attention to the issue. Remember, I said extreme, and not dangerous.

I have a friend who wanted to raise awareness for homeless college students in North America. Some students have difficulty paying their tuition and then cannot pay their rent. As an attempt to raise awareness, she dressed very warmly, packed some blankets and pillows, and slept outside the school library for 7 days. When people passed by and asked her what she was doing, she told them. Literally overnight, she has crowds of people coming together to rally around her cause.

I have another friend who organized a two-day anti-racism protest on our campus. Each black person dressed in black and remained silent for the 2 days. He attracted enough attention to get a letter of recommendation from the school president when he graduated.

Not everyone can join a varsity or fraternity team, but anyone can make a political statement on campus to raise awareness. Politics is the fastest way I know of to gain notoriety on campus, but it requires finesse and social skills. Once you become famous in seven days, people will look to you for leadership. If you don’t have the skills required to lead them, you will lose your newfound power and influence. My blog details how to get to the top of your social circle and what to do when you get there. Be sure to check it out!

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