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Health Fitness

Top 10 Tips to Lose Body Fat Fast

Losing body fat can be a daunting task, especially if one doesn’t have a plan on how to achieve their goals. Weight loss is not a difficult thing to achieve as long as you follow the right diet, get the right exercise in the right amounts, and have a...

How to lose belly fat and get six pack abs

I was visiting my parents a while ago and the fitness director at my mom’s gym asked me to teach an “abs class” while he was in town. The fitness manager was shocked when I politely refused! When the fitness manager asked me why I declined his offer, I...

Weight Loss: How Calorie Shift Diet Plans Work

Calorie shifting is a weight loss strategy designed to combat the natural slowdown that occurs in your metabolism whenever you restrict your calorie intake. One of the reasons we get stuck on our diets (unable to lose pounds for weeks and sometimes months) is because your body is designed...

Walking the Walk – Exercise and Weight Loss

Weight loss without exercise is like bread without butter. Something missing. One makes the other. Walking the Walk – Exercise and Weight Loss The road to exercise is paved with good intentions. It’s so easy to find an excuse not to exercise, to not move your butt. We are...

Top 7 Muscle Building Nutritional Food Sources to Gain Muscle Mass

Actually, you cannot neglect muscle building nutrition in your muscle building program. But the thing is, many people avoid the topic of nutrition when it comes to building muscle. They think it’s complicated. It’s simply a matter of getting the right information because, in fact, it’s easy to find...

The best exercises to lose weight fast

Exercise is a vital component to losing weight quickly and effectively. It is always better to burn fat than to diet while starving yourself. Exercise will increase your metabolism, energy and health. There are two types of exercise aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic means that you require air, which is...

Mistakes we make when reducing fat

Obesity has become such a global epidemic that every two people have a mindset that they have an increasing need to lose weight in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle with longevity. Sometimes trying to lose weight can get quite overwhelming and we can feel like everything we are...

Weight Loss – Android Phone to the Rescue

Being overweight is definitely a health issue, if not a beauty issue. The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to exercise regularly and eat right. Well, we’ve all heard that before! Most people find it hard to shed those extra pounds because they never stick to their...

Elliptical Cross Trainer Review: The Reebok RE13103 5.1e

Introduction: If you are considering starting a fitness program, you should know that an elliptical trainer is one of the best ways to exercise. Because? Because you get a low-impact, effective workout on an elliptical, which means it’s much easier on your joints than, say, jogging outside on a...

Top 10 Weight Loss Myths

MYTH 1: STAIN REDUCTION WORKS It is widely believed that if you focus your exercise and weight training on specific areas of your body, you will be able to reduce the amount of fat in that specific area or region. In reality, there is no such thing as spot...